====== December 3, 2023 ====== Present:Lorenzo, Beryl, Chinhae, Mcallen, Jen, Logan, Leah, Paul, Kate Josh, Stormie, Len, Yarrow, Russ, Bernard, Phillip, Graham, Leo ===== Meet and Greet ===== Aspen (he/they), has some coop living experience, has a dog! First meeting. Noah no questions, looking to move in march, grew up here! First meeting. ===== Review of Minutes ===== minutes approved ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== Kate: fire dept is coming tomorrow to check fire extinguishers and smoke alarms, Kate will be going around to bring fire extinguishers+check for other things Beryl: going to a few units to record status of smoke detectors after this meeting. ===== Agenda item 1: ===== (Stormie) Waive late fees and any subsequent negative actions for Phillip while we await payment setup from his case manager. Stormie: currently waiting for a new assignment from rental assistance pogram for phillip, proposing a pause on late fees until there is progress since it may take time Corey: there is a precedent for waiving fees while that process goes through Russ: can verify this is the case Josh, Logan, and other all echo similar sentiments. **Agenda item approved.** ===== Agenda Item 2 ===== (Stormie) Refund $186 to Kit as part of their deposit. Stormie: Kit paid $508 for a deposit, then signed a payment plan agreement for the month of nov, but did not move in, so was refunded $322 for the remainder of the month ($186 was the prorated amount for the month), but since kit did not wind up moving in, they asked about being returned the $186. they never moved any of their property in or anything. Chinhae: if they never actually moved in it makes sense to return the money. others agree. **Agenda item approved.** ===== New business ===== Logan: Secret santa forms have been distributed, inquiries have been made about deadlines, this week is the deadline!! text logan (number on the form), email nynke at the events coordinator email, or fill out a form and clip it to theiir door. also asking about date+time, dec. 31st? everyone agrees! Ivy: its also during kwanzaa! Logan: so our secular santa form cutoff is next sunday (can be turned in during the meeting!) Kate: still working on pest control, need to call them (len offered, but kate said she could do it), will also notify about mice problem Len: since past isolated treating efforts lead to other roach infestations in diffferent units, would it be more cost efficient to just treat all units at once? Logan: we have a subscription for pest control where there is a limit of 6 units treated per quarter, and it costs extra after that. corey: it may also be tough to navigate timing wise? Len: if we give a month and a half notice, folks could get arrangements Kate: i will have the guy spray the units requested, then ask him questions about how the best, most cost-efficient way to go about handling the problem for all units. Paul: when are elections? Stormie: nomination forms for the next 6 month term (starting in january) will be posted tonight, and an email will go out explaining the rules of the election. Josh: we have gone two weeks without a delivery from KFA, so food in the commons is tight; please be mindful and leave enough for others, some folks rely on commons food stores.