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January 21, 2024

Present: Kate, Yarrow, Dwain, Paul (minutes), Bernard, Philip, Logan, Nynka, Lorenzo, Lyssa, Leah, Corey, Beryl, Graham, Jill, Stormie (facilitator)

Meet and Greet

Monty (first meeting, he/she)

Review of Minutes

Minutes approved.

Wiki Updates & Announcements

We are still discussing how to resolve the mailbox situation. We need to see what our options are regarding statutes and ADA requirements.

Agenda Item 1

(Steward) Officer reports

Stormie, steward: We voted to post a notice to vacate on Josh. They appealed, then revoked their appeal. I’m also planning on looking into buying a printer/scanner. It’d be useful if we start using DocuSign for leases, digital filing for online eviction court, behavior contracts and the like.

Len, treasurer, remotely: All bills are paid.

Kate, maintenance: Nothing has broken in the freeze. Lots of little repairs that need doing. Chinhae is stepping back from maintenance at the moment, taking a break.

Clarifying question: Dryers?

Kate: No progress from last week. It’ll be $3000-3500 to replace them.

Alyssa, food buyer: I need cooks to list spices when those are out. Things are going good.

Corey, special financial liaison to the board: We’re still working on assessing our potential banking options. To our finance officers: Do not do anything in Quickbooks on the 26th! Maybe the 25th and the 27th if you want to be safe. It will be erased. We’re switching licenses.

Beryl, bookkeeper: I’m still training with Corey. I should be catching up with bookkeeper stuff within the week.

Leah, board: Yeah, Joshua dropped the appeal. This has brought scrutiny on how the house conducts membership reviews. People reviewed should know they have the right to appeal to the board. The board should maybe be notified about evictions. We’ll be talking more about that this week.

Yarrow, board: The appeal has consumed much of our time recently. We’ll be getting back to regular duties - paying the lease, paying insurance, accountants, etc. I made a report on the last fiscal quarter, with a bit of digging for actual numbers deeper than the QB numbers. I went to the ACBA annual meeting as a representative for CHEA. I learned more how they help co-ops in Austin and Texas, both housing and worker’s coops. I also learned more about ARNL.

Bernard, labor: We’re down a cook on Thursday. DCU, please do your labor. Other people, if it’s still dirty, don’t do the labor without no-showing the DCU, or they’ll escape consequences. We’re down a maintenance worker at the moment and a grounds worker in June/July. We do also want to have a labor holiday when the weather gets a little better.

Point of interest: Maybe wait until the morning to no-show DCU, since the deadline is early in the morning.

Philip, grounds: Please sign off on your grounds labor. It’s part of your labor to sign it. McAllen was a good worker.

Logan, membership coordinator: It’s been weird and stressful but it all seems to be resolved. Keen moved in with Dwain, and Tiff is going to move in with Philip on the 1st. We’re about to be full-up, and I’ve got people ready to move in for one space that’s open and other spaces opening up soon. Also, I did find the missing leases. A number of folks reached out concerned about their sensitive information. Sorry. I apologized in the emails as well.

Point of information: We could have a filing cabinet for leases with restricted access to MemCo, Steward, and the board.

Nynka, events: We’re trying to get a movie or show night going. Suggestions welcome.

New business

Point of interest: There’s a situation where someone is letting a non-member stay here for a long time, longer than our guest policy of 14 days. That’s a lease violation. They can’t have keys, or have their stuff here either.

meetings/2024-01-21.1706065813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/24 03:10 UTC by paulwuersig