====== July 30, 2023 ======
Present: Kate, Josh, Chinhae, Josh, Stormie (facilitator), Len, Mcallen, Philip, Jennifer, Russ, Graham , Bernard Paul, Cayla (minutes), Lyss
===== Meet and Greet =====
No one for Meet and Greet
===== Review of Minutes =====
Minutes Approved
===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
No Announcements
===== Agenda Item 1 =====
(Stormie) Remove or replant fig tree in front of 111 window.
Stormie The tree smells like cat pee, and is right outside our window
POI: Can we move it?
McAllen: transplanting in the summer can make it very hard to have the plant
Poi: in that case what about it just being removed
Poi: we will need to discus that with Karen
===== New business =====
Philp: have someone down the street asking about our brick pile
Paul: what is the status of my shower
Kate: we are working on getting someone reliable to help with this
Chinhae: Kate and I are going to have to be Joint Maintenance coordinator position
Stormie: I am asking if I can set a document retention limit of 5 years for documents
Poi; we need a new printer/scanner
Cayla: I will look for options