====== December 8, 2024 ====== Present: ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~
Action pagemod _self addagenda Thanks "Agenda Item added" textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/ textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/ static "Note: $ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example: \$100" number "La Reunion's Street Number" <7911 >7909 hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1" submit "Add to Agenda"
~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~ ~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~ ===== Agenda Item 1 ===== (Steward) Officer reports ===== Agenda Item 2 ===== (Steward (Kate's item from 2 weeks ago)) direct people on our wait list towards hardy house/santa clara coop. ===== Agenda Item 3 ===== (Steward) Discuss Sam's member acceptance ===== Agenda Item 4 ===== (Steward) Discuss prorating Tif's rent for December ===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ ===== (@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@ ~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~ ===== New business =====