====== January 19, 2025 ====== Present: ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~
Action pagemod _self addagenda Thanks "Agenda Item added" textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/ textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/ static "Note: $ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example: \$100" number "La Reunion's Street Number" <7911 >7909 hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1" submit "Add to Agenda"
~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~ ~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~ ===== Agenda Item 1 ===== (Robbie) I'd like to request the following from the house: • Allow me to sign a fresh 12-month lease • Allow my owed balance/payment plan to be applied to the new lease and distributed evenly across the 12-month period. ===== Agenda Item 2 ===== (Leah) Discuss if La Reunion would like to welcome a videographer to film & interview consenting house members at a time TBD on January 29th and/or 30th for a film project promoting co-operatives The filmmakers have also offered to hold an info session on January 21st or 24th to discuss how we could make our own short video about La Reunion, if we so choose ===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ ===== (@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@ ~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~ ===== New business =====