---- ====== Membership ====== Membership in our community is [[:documents:manual#membership_acceptance_policy|open]]–that is, it is based on whether there is first-hand knowledge of why a member might be evicted, not on whether they are liked or popular. In addition to upholding more traditional obligations of an apartment, members are expected to perform several hours of weekly [[:documents:labor|Labor]], participate in our [[:food|food program]] and participate in a number of ways that enrich the cooperative. For more information you can always e-mail [[info@lareunioncoop.org|info@lareunioncoop.org]]. * {{:residencycontract2017.pdf|Rental contract}} * {{:membership:associate_member_contract.pdf|Associate contract}} ==== Resources For Members ==== * [[:membership:membershiptrainingchecklist|Membership Coordinator Training Checklist]] * [[:documents:manual#member_review_policy|Membership Review Process]] * [[:documents:manual#security_deposit_return_and_contract_break_policy|Contract Break Policy]] * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pZXrBHsbHP5LNTO15Pzh96X_ApXW6ydF/view?usp=sharing|CHEA Accommodation Request Form]] (pdf) * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v8kRBlj03CFML3L8S2O90xGpJGNYldtksouwUZ3hhQk/edit?usp=sharing|CHEA Accommodation Request Form]] (docx) ==== Conflict Resolution Resources ==== * [[https://www.crnhq.org/cr-kit/|Conflict Resolution Network - CR Kit]] - Comprehensive kit of 12 Skills for conflict resolution * [[https://www.crnhq.org/files/Handouts and Posters/FightingFairposter.pdf|Conflict Resolution Network - Fighting Fair Poster]] - A printable poster about conflict resolution * [[http://www.austindrc.org|Austin Dispute Resolution Center]] * [[http://www.austinmediators.org|Austin Association of Mediators]]