All residents of La Reunion cooperative are expected to perform four hours of labor per week, the nature of which is negotiated with the Labor Czar(s). The kinds of labor to be performed as well as the required amount of labor to be performed by members is at the discretion of the Labor Czar(s). The four hour requirement goes into effect May 1st, 2023. [HM 3-12-23].
A member may be temporarily excused from labor obligations for a given week as long as that member gives the Labor Czar(s) advance notice; the member is still responsible for making up the obligation in a timely fashion. If a member fails to perform a given labor assignment, or performs the assignment inadequately, the member may be liable for a fine or increased labor obligations to compensate the house [HM 5-12-13].
A list of common labor positions and what is to be expected of them can be found here.
Members with disabilities must be accommodated when given labor assignments. Where appropriate and at the discretion of the labor czar, reasonable adjustments should be made to predefined labor tasks. An accommodation in the form of a labor credit may be granted but must be approved by the house. If an accommodation-related decision is challenged by another member, it should be brought to a house meeting for review [HM 1-18-15].
Penalties (including but not limited to no-shows and labor fines) from any labor hours missed while a member is in a hospital, including a psychiatric hospital, shall be waived [HM 9-27-15].
Members with children under the age of 18 living with them full-time may opt to receive a labor credit of one hour per child, up to a maximum of two hours [HM 1-14-18].
A member may issue a no-show to another member for not performing an assigned task or for performing it inadequately. A no-show must be communicated to the Labor Czar(s) and it is the Labor Czar's responsibility to ensure the house is informed.
If the defendant disputes the no-show, they may discuss this with the Czar(s) who will then decide the validity of the no-show.
If any member disputes a no-show, they may bring it to a house meeting with a motion to annul the no-show with a majority vote [HM 5-12-13].
If a blind member is not notified electronically within one week of the no-show being posted, then it is not a valid no-show. [HM 2-22-15]
Any no-shows not reported within 90 days of when the report is due are considered invalid. If a report is 90 days late the Labor Czar will be automatically officer reviewed.[HM 10-7-18]
If a member receives 8 no-shows in one month or 10 over two months, an automatic membership review of that member will be placed on the upcoming agenda by the Steward or another coordinator. This does not include no-shows that have been rescinded or hours owed as part of a labor plan. Neither makeup hours nor payment of labor fines resolves no-shows for the purposes of this procedure. [HM 10-7-18] [HM 10-14-18]
From the first day of the month to the last day of the month all labor is tracked and labor czars have until the 15th of the following (second) month to determine and inform the house of no-shows.
Members behind on labor are encouraged to talk to the labor czars about getting on a “labor plan” to resolve their outstanding labor debts.
If labor hours are not made up within 30 days from notification of a no-show the hours will convert to fines to be paid with the next month's rent. This does not apply to members on active labor plans that are in good standing [HM 11-23-14].
Labor credit received in exchange for in-kind donations to the cooperative is limited to three (3) hours monthly. [HM 08-28-16]
Banked surplus labor hours will be capped to 16 hours for a member. [HM 3-1-15]
Members shall be allotted 8 vacation hours per calendar year. [HM 1-1-17] Members may spend vacation hours to be released from their regular labor responsibilities. Members are not required to use vacation hours consecutively.
To use vacation hours a Member must give at least one week's advance notice to the labor czar of the date(s) and labor(s) they want to have covered by available vacation hours [HM 12-13-15].
If a member receives one or more no-shows then a fine will be added to the members' dues for the next month. Members are still liable for labor fines received even if they move out.
When assessing fines or rebates, each hour of labor will be worth $15.
A member may earn dues rebates by performing extra labor; earning a rebate for “sold” labor is not allowed. Extra labor tasks proposed for a rebate must be approved by the Labor Czar(s) in advance, or accepted by a majority vote at a house meeting. A member may not earn more than $200 of rebates in a given month [HM 5-12-13].
If two members trade labor they will not be liable for their usual assignments but instead for the labor they received in the trade provided they give advance notice to the Labor Czar(s).
If a member (Purchaser) “buys” labor from another member (Seller), the Purchaser is still liable for the labor and may receive a no-show if the labor is not performed adequately. A member can only “buy” an amount of labor equal to that which they are assigned by the labor czar(s).
The terms of a labor sale are solely the discretion of the two parties involved. Applicable city, state, and federal laws may apply [HM 5-12-13].
By the 15th of each month, the labor czars must publish the following statistics on the email list and in the commons:
Records of this data shall be retained, and shall be made available to members on request [HM 7-27-14].
To enact a Labor Plan, the co-oper seeking the Labor Plan must meet with the Labor Czar to discuss and sign a Labor Plan agreement.
Labor Plan:
Co-opers on a Labor Plan must check-in biweekly with the Labor Czar, this serves as a way to communicate labor needs and ensure Labor Plan is being followed. If Co-oper doesn't fulfill labor plan and is at or over the “automatic member review amount of no-shows” then a “member review” is triggered, unless illness or emergencies.