Table of Contents

June 11, 2023

Present: Graham(minutes), Kenny(new person), Harry(new person), Dwayne, McAllen, Russ, Paul, Kate, Leah, Lynn, Stormie, Cayla, Chinhae, Bernard

Meet and Greet

Harry - 2nd meeting - added to wait list

Kenny - 2nd meeting - added to wait list

Review of Minutes

Minutes from June 4th pass

Wiki Updates & Announcements

Paul: sign up sheets for officer elections are on the commons door

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Agenda Item 2

(Stormie) Discuss the possibility of having a new member workshop to teach everyone what the Coop is all about and what is expected.

Leah: reads agenda item

Stormie: Lynn and I and others have not lived in a coop before. It can be difficult to know all the responsibilities at first. Some info for new people would be helpful.

Paul: we have discussed an orientation packet for new people. It never materialized, but I can help discuss what it should contain.

Leah: most people should be directed to the wiki, that has most info needed. I asked Sasona to send us their new people orientation material, haven’t received it yet.

Russ: would like to have an “ABCs” of the coop. An outline about how to succeed in the coop. Would like to help write something up.

Stormie: we can meet at select times for people who are interested in joining the new person orientation material subcommittee

Lynn: We can get all the information all together to make understanding everything easier. That or a directory on where to find info.

Paul, Russ, Stormie, Lynn all volunteer to coordinate on new person orientation subcommittee

Stormie: I will send out an email to see if there is any further interest. Will get a google doc going

New business

Russ: in regards to rent increase, can Kate adjust the quickbooks autopay to reflect rent increase?

Kate; yes I will get that taken care of

Cayla: I am not running for board rep, looks like Leah will probably get it. Please support her as much as possible.

Stormie: the officer election sign up sheets will be taken down at 9:00 pm tonight.

Chinhae: tomorrow at 5pm people can come watch what it’s like at the technical school I attend. It's pretty cool. Let me know beforehand.

Phil: has been a little irritated recently, likes to cook in the morning, but kitchen is often dirty. Stuff is left out all night, would like that not to happen all the time. Would like someone to help discuss how to work forward. I supply all the cleaning supplies.

Stormie: I will talk to Leo in email to discuss situation. Will come talk to Leo if that doesn’t work. Will talk to Phil with updates.

Philip: Just meet me halfway is all I’m asking

Leah: please sign a lease addendum with me if you haven’t yet.