Table of Contents

December 24, 2023

Present: Graham(minutes), Jill, Bernard, Chinhae, Beryl, Dwayne, Lorenzo, Phil

Meet and Greet

Keen - 1st meeting

Review of Minutes

Minutes have not been posted at time of meeting

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New business

Jill - would like to discuss email sent by Nolan about DCU. Ive noticed FNB leaves food around. DCU should be cleaning up after the cook, not after people who eat. There are problems with people leaving their own dishes so DCU person has to clean up people's silverware and plates and bowls. Recently lots of stuff has been left out. FNB has been frustrating.

Chinhae: FNB has been behaving poorly. They will leave lots of stuff around, and have been generally disrespectful. They have ruined lots of food by leaving it out overnight. FNB has used all the onions several times. We can discuss this further. They have been rude about using this space.

Bernard: I have to wait for them to be done before I can use the kitchen, I shouldn’t have to do that.

Beryl: I have noticed that they seem to stare at people when they are here.

Lorenzo: Whats the deal with the dryer?

Jill: the one on the right seemed to work okay, but the one on the left needs to get replaced.