Present: Russ, Len, Stormie, Jarod, Dwain, Kate, Corey, Philip, Tiff, Lorenzo, Logan (facilitator), Paul (minutes), Alyssa, Leah, Nynke, Bernard, Beryl, Chinhae, Graham, Pickles, Jill
Fia (first meeting), Fred (second meeting, approved)
Minutes approved.
(Paul) For house approval: edited meeting description and removed Jitsi references on Join page.
(Paul) For house approval: removed “Mailing List” section from Contact page that referred to mailing lists from 2014.
(Paul) For house approval: remove long-repealed “As of [HM 04-05-20], We will not process no-shows for members who refuse to do cooking, DCU, events, commons clean, or non-essential maintenance.”
(Paul) Updated current officers list.
Wiki updates approved.
(Steward) Officer reports
Len, treasurer: Replacing the house card. Should be at Sasona in the next few days. We’ll have to set up some payments again.
Corey, finance advisor to the board: I’ll need the new number to keep the website going too. We’ll also be trying to switch to the new bank accounts soon. We’ve switched to new QuickBooks that are cheaper. We’ll be doing budgets soon.
Leah, board: Both houses need to notify the board about member reviews that lead to evictions for anything other than nonpayment of rent. There’ll be an agenda item.
Russ, bookkeeper: I been writin’ down numbers. It’s been going good. Four payment plans, all on schedule.
Kate, maintenance: We had a leak in 208, courtesy of a former bidet with an unfinished pipe. We might be able to use a similar part to fix the washer. David our operations manager has been talking to NASCO about trying to accelerate the stairs, but some plumbing cleanup needs doing too, so we might stagger some plumbing before the stairs and some after. There was a leak in the commons from 207 so we’ll have to replace some drywall ceiling.
Pickles: I know some honest contractors that can work concrete. Let’s talk more.
Stormie, maintenance administration: There’s an order for a 208 window replacement. The 105 small door is getting fixed by contractor tomorrow. I’ve been working to update the Trello. People cataloging holes and wall issues in their units will help - watch your emails.
Alyssa, food buyer: Not having a card takes the hitch out of the giddyup. I’ve got the list. Put things on the board if you need ‘em.
Beryl, steward: I have contacted Josh, and they said they’re coming in next weekend to move their car. And people who have more than two cars in parking spaces should move the remainder. I need to move more on the co-op manual overhaul committee.
Pickles: I also am educated in tenant’s legal rights, and I’ve worked with several local groups for that, if that’s helpful.
Beryl: Yes, it will be.
Corey: We can actually put up no-parking signs which we’ve been sitting on a while. That’ll mostly only apply to non-residents.
Logan, membership coordinator: I wouldn’t mind training a replacement. We’re leaving on the 12th. I think it’s about the right time to have an election for a replacement MemCo and Events. I’d be happy to train whoever comes in. Keen should be moving out of the commons in the next few days, into 102.
Stormie: Since it’s a special election, nominations & elections can be only 3 days long.
Nynke, events: How is everyone’s schedule for the eclipse next Monday? We can still have an event even though it might rain. Commons at 1 pm, we can try to see it. We’ll look for extra glasses, some of us have a bunch. After that a movie night would be good. The birthday is also coming up.
Philip, grounds: Grounds is looking good. Everyone on grounds is doing their jobs.
Bernard, labor czar: Things are coming together. Chinhae is doing DCU on Saturday now. People who cook for the co-op on Tuesdays and Thursdays. People put up a no-show sheet that seems wrong. I can use it. We don’t have a good printer. I lost some of the old forms and haven’t reconstructed them.
Bernard: I have been about a month behind on no-show reports. I can be no-showed for that.
Paul: I just want to see the pipeline from no-shows to a no-show report to, eventually, fines. I’d like to change our rules to match how we do things.
Russ: The labor report is separate from the no-show report. We’re getting labor reports. Bernard used to send me a list with just “Member - # of no-shows” which is all I need for labor converting to fines. I can show some old forms, of what I need.
Stormie: What’s the timeline for the no-show report in the rules?
Paul: By the 15th of the next month.
Stormie: I can work with Bernard on making new forms.
Bernard: I report all the no-shows weekly. Doing another form monthly feels like extra. I feel like I’m being asked to do things that other labor czars didn’t.
Point of interest: Other labor czars had a system for this, or struggled with it too. It’s complicated.
Paul: Our system is a mix of our old system and the rolling weekly report that Hannah implemented. It’s great that we have weekly reports. It definitely takes work.
Stormie: We could have an officer meeting during another part of the month - talking with other officers, not an officer report. Maybe 45 minutes before officer reports?
POI: <Several officers agree.>
Concern: Maybe it shouldn’t be required, as officers do plenty of labor already.
Russ: I owe some hours for the labor holiday. I’ll cook for people soon. I’ve had knee trouble recently that makes old labor harder.
Stormie: We should talk about implementing the staggered elections so outgoing officers can train their replacements.
Paul: I think it should be the first month of the new term.
Stormie: I think it should be the last month of the old term, so trainees can train. Elections would happen a month earlier.
Beryl: Should we limit the number of agenda items per meeting?
Point of interest: Probably not. We have rules against bringing items during officer reports, and we also have the meetings time-boxed, and agenda items we don’t get to in the time allotted should be posted to the next meeting by the Steward.
Russ: I wanted to bring up the idea of kitchen manager. They’d be checking and coordinating & organizing clean-ups and meals. I think it might help.
Logan: We could codify having a team of cooks.
POI: We used to have a more formal system but it’s hard here.