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documents:manual:finance [2023/05/08 17:05 UTC]
wikiperson209 ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
documents:manual:finance [2025/01/16 00:53 UTC] (current)
rainbowbugjar [Payment Plans]
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   * Dues are to be deposited on or before the 7th of the month, or they are considered late.   * Dues are to be deposited on or before the 7th of the month, or they are considered late.
-  * If a member's dues are late and more than $100 is owed, they will incur a $10 fine on top of their dues. The fine will be assessed on the 8th of the month. <sub>[[meetings:archive:2023-03-12#agenda_item_1|[HM 3-12-23]]]</sub>+  * If a member's dues are late and more than $250 is owed, they will incur a $10 fine on top of their dues. The fine will be assessed on the 8th of the month. <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2023-03-12#agenda_item_1|[HM 3-12-23]]]</sub>
-  * If after the 15th of the month a member still owes more than $100, they will incur a second $10 fine on top of their dues. This fine will be assessed on the 16th of the month. <sub>[CHEA Contract]</sub> <sub>[[meetings:archive:2023-03-12#agenda_item_1|[HM 3-12-23]]].</sub>+  * If after the 15th of the month a member still owes more than $100, they will incur a second $10 fine on top of their dues. This fine will be assessed on the 16th of the month. <sub>[CHEA Contract]</sub> <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2023-03-12#agenda_item_1|[HM 3-12-23]]].</sub>
   * Late fees accrued on any unpaid debts while a member is in a hospital, including a psychiatric hospital, shall be waived <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2015-10-04#agenda_item_4|[HM 10-4-15]]]</sub>.   * Late fees accrued on any unpaid debts while a member is in a hospital, including a psychiatric hospital, shall be waived <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2015-10-04#agenda_item_4|[HM 10-4-15]]]</sub>.
 <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2013-04-21#move_to_adopt_the_following_policy_for_membership_dues_gatlin|[HM 4-21-13]]]</sub> <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2013-04-21#move_to_adopt_the_following_policy_for_membership_dues_gatlin|[HM 4-21-13]]]</sub>
-If, on the 16th day of a month, a member is overdue on an amount greater than $250, the member has fallen out of good standing with the coop and is considered "Not in Good Standing" (NGS). In order for the NGS member to return to good standing, he or she must contact the [[:documents:officers#bookkeeper|Bookkeeper]] and reach an agreement on a payment plan. The [[:documents:officers#bookkeeper|Bookkeeper]] may also reach out to NGS members to assist them in returning to good standing. The $250 limit goes into effect July 1st, 2023. <sub>[[meetings:archive:2023-03-12#agenda_item_2|[HM 3-12-23]]]</sub>+If, on the 16th day of a month, a member is overdue on an amount greater than $250, the member has fallen out of good standing with the coop and is considered "Not in Good Standing" (NGS). In order for the NGS member to return to good standing, one must contact the [[:documents:officers#bookkeeper|Bookkeeper]] and reach an agreement on a payment plan. The [[:documents:officers#bookkeeper|Bookkeeper]] may also reach out to NGS members to assist them in returning to good standing. The $250 limit goes into effect July 1st, 2023. <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2023-03-12#agenda_item_2|[HM 3-12-23]]]</sub>
 If, by the 21st day of the month, a payment plan agreement is printed and signed by the NGS member, or the amount due plus any late fees have been paid in full, the member returns to good standing. Otherwise, the member is to be given a notice to vacate. A member who has violated the terms of a payment plan agreement is also no longer in good standing and is to be given a notice to vacate. The [[:documents:officers#bookkeeper|Steward, Treasurer or Membership Coordiator]] must post the notice to vacate and also announce its occurrence on the official coop mailing list by the end of the 26th day of the month. If, by the 21st day of the month, a payment plan agreement is printed and signed by the NGS member, or the amount due plus any late fees have been paid in full, the member returns to good standing. Otherwise, the member is to be given a notice to vacate. A member who has violated the terms of a payment plan agreement is also no longer in good standing and is to be given a notice to vacate. The [[:documents:officers#bookkeeper|Steward, Treasurer or Membership Coordiator]] must post the notice to vacate and also announce its occurrence on the official coop mailing list by the end of the 26th day of the month.
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   * Debts covered by a payment plan shall not accrue any new late fees.   * Debts covered by a payment plan shall not accrue any new late fees.
   * Scheduled payments made as part of an ongoing payment plan are **in addition**  to the resident's monthly rent.   * Scheduled payments made as part of an ongoing payment plan are **in addition**  to the resident's monthly rent.
-  * Residents are expected to make payments in full and by the exact date as outlined in the signed payment plan. Failure to do so shall be considered a violation of the payment plan agreement and a notice to vacate shall be issued.+  * Residents are expected to make payments in full and by the exact date as outlined in the signed payment plan. Failure to do so shall be considered a violation of the payment plan agreement. Within 5 days after a missed payment on a payment plan, 14-day notice to vacate shall be issued. <sub>[[meetings/2023-08-13|HM 08-13-23]]</sub>
 Officers shall not be permitted to authorize, without house approval, a payment plan: Officers shall not be permitted to authorize, without house approval, a payment plan:
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   - If the payment plan would extend past the end date of a resident's lease.   - If the payment plan would extend past the end date of a resident's lease.
-<sub>[[meetings:archive:2015-11-15#agenda_item_1|[HM 11-15-15]]]</sub>+<sub>[[:meetings:archive:2015-11-15#agenda_item_1|[HM 11-15-15]]]</sub> 
 ==== Turning in Receipts ==== ==== Turning in Receipts ====
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 Anyone current on their payment plan will not have their name listed. Anyone current on their payment plan will not have their name listed.
-Records of this data shall be retained, and shall be made available to members on request <sub>[[meetings:archive:2014-07-27#agenda_item_2|[HM 7-27-14]]]</sub>.+Records of this data shall be retained, and shall be made available to members on request <sub>[[:meetings:archive:2014-07-27#agenda_item_2|[HM 7-27-14]]]</sub>.
 A member must receive a printed notice within 48 hours of being fined by the house if either: A member must receive a printed notice within 48 hours of being fined by the house if either:
-  * +  * The member's email address is not on file in the house electronic bookkeeping system, or 
- +  * The member has informed the bookkeeper in writing that they prefer to receive physical notices.
-The member's email address is not on file in the house electronic bookkeeping system, or +
- +
-  *+
-The member has informed the bookkeeper in writing that they prefer to receive physical notices.+<sub>[[:meetings:archive:2018-09-19#agenda_item_4|[HM 9-23-18]]]</sub>
-<sub>[[meetings:archive:2018-09-19#agenda_item_4|[HM 9-23-18]]]</sub> 
 ==== Eviction ==== ==== Eviction ====
documents/manual/finance.1683565530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/08 17:05 UTC by wikiperson209