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Misc. House Policy

Access to security camera footage

The security video captured by our cameras belongs to the house as a whole and not to any one individual or officer. The viewing of the security video can be requested by the house or by any member. The security officer is responsible for facilitating access to the video. To provide a safeguard against misuse of the video, two members (one of which may be the security officer) must be initially present for video to be reviewed or copied [HM 3-23-14].

Sleeping in the commons (Apt 106)

Non-members and Associate members may not spend the night in common areas except under extenuating circumstances, such as sickness or inclement weather. [HM 2-16-14][HM 5-19-13]

Smoking in the commons (Apt 106)

Smoking of anything that can produce gas, including e-cigarettes is not permitted. Does not include personal rooms if the door is closed [HM 1-26-14].

Quiet hours

Members are expected to maintain a reasonable level of quietness during the defined hours. An acceptable guideline is that no member should be able to hear another member or their actions while inside their unit.

Quiet hours are as follows

  • Sunday: 11pm - 7am
  • Monday: 11pm - 7am
  • Tuesday: 11pm - 7am
  • Wednesday: 11pm - 7am
  • Thursday: 11pm - 7am
  • Friday: 1am - 8am
  • Saturday: 1am - 8am

[HM 10-12-14]

Yellow Card System

Yellow Cards are to be used as an accountability system and record of behavior that is detrimental to the health of our community.

A yellow card consists of a member writing a short, specific description of problematic behavior that they attribute to a specific member or members. One additional member needs to also sign the yellow card for it to be accepted. It should then be submitted to the Yellow Card envelope in the Commons.

Examples of yellow card-able behavior include but are not limited to:

  • leaving messes in Common areas
  • taking unfair amounts of common resources
  • damaging common property
  • being excessively loud
  • treating other members in a disrespectful, threatening, or abusive manner

At least two members need to legibly sign off on a yellow card. Yellow cards can only be submitted after communicating concern to the member being yellow-carded and asking them to amend the behavior. This can be done through an intermediary if necessary. If doing so is not possible, the reason should be noted on the yellow card. Each separate instance of behavior is only eligible for one yellow card. If a member believes they were given a yellow card unfairly they can appeal the yellow card at a house meeting.

The Steward will check (or coordinate with another coordinator to check) the envelope on a weekly basis. They will inform a member that they have been yellow-carded within a week of seeing the yellow card, along with the Treasurer and Labor Czar. They must report this or arrange to have it reported to the House via a meeting.

Four yellow cards in a month, six in two months, or eight in six months triggers an automatic membership review. Three signatures are not required to go forward with the membership review [HM 10-12-14].

[HM 6-21-15] [HM 12-6-15] [HM 12-13-15]

Food Labeling for Co-Op Dinners

Dinner cooks must label their dishes with the following information:

  1. Their names
  2. Any information relevant to member dietary restrictions. The following abbreviations are acceptable:
    1. M (Meat-based dish)
    2. VGT (Vegetarian dish)
    3. VGN (Vegan dish)
    4. GF (Gluten-free dish)
    5. DF (Dairy-free dish)
  3. Any ingredients which appear on the list of food allergens, which is maintained by the Kitchen Manager, must also be specifically listed.

[HM 2-15-15], [HM 7-24-16]

Severe Food Allergens

Foods listed on the severe food allergen list maintained by the Kitchen Manager may not be stored, prepared, or served in the Commons unless it is cleared with the person who has the allergy beforehand.

[HM 2-15-15]

Changes to the wiki

Any changes made to the wiki regarding the documentation of house policy must be ratified by the house at the beginning of house meeting after meet and greet [HM 3-15-15].

The Wiki Maintainer will be responsible for ensuring the wiki is updated with changes to house policy [HM 3-15-15].

Composting Rules

All composting containers on the property must be securely covered and emptied in the composting pit daily [HM 8-2-15].

documents/manual/misc.1498673190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/28 18:06 UTC by