Table of Contents

October 27, 2024

Present: Graham(minutes), Kate, New person 1, Tiff, Cory, Reina, Leah, Gardenia, Jennifer, Beryl, Bernard, Lorenzo, Robby, Richard, Logan, Don, Yarrow, Dwayne, Leo, Paul, Alyssa

Meet and Greet

Criss - 1st meeting

Review of Minutes

Previous minutes pass

Wiki Updates & Announcements

Logan - Día de los Muertos is coming up, people can bring candles and/or pictures or other stuff. There is a small shrine in the commons. Happening Friday the first. Hold off on food and alcohol until 7

Gardenia - coop fair went great, there was a lot of great people

Cory - I spent time at 3 banks, and we have new bank accounts. We are transferring money to some accounts and closing other ones. We have an open treasurer position.
Yarrow - now is a good time to become treasurer, me and David can help with everything. The treasurer/bookkeeper at Sasona are great and can help too.

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Agenda Item 2

(Steward) Pickles is up for automatic membership review for missed labor

Beryl - it is 9 hours missed in September as recorded by Stormie, she was assigned Sunday garden watering and kitchen cleanup
Bernard - I have pictures of the pantry labor not being done. I did a meal on the first, on the 19th there was still the stuff there.
Leah - I have talked to Phil he has said she didn’t do her labor

Beryl - I emailed stormie after last meeting, I have not got a response yet

Leah - has she been put on a labor review for this before?

Richard - I don't think she’s been through this

Kate - I know Gabe has been through this before

Bernard - Leo as well

Kate - for pickles what are we thinking?

Gardenia - maybe letting them know how this works for the first time

Paul - labor contracts say you can’t get more than 5 no shows for 3 months going forward

Robbie - has pickles lived here to see a behavior contract? Maybe just a written warning so they understand the gravity of the situation

Cory - let’s do a straw poll

Eviction - none
Behavior contract - almost all
No action - 2 votes

Logan - I know she’s busy, she comes and goes a lot. She should sit with labor czar and get their stuff straightened out.

Kate - I would be in favor of standard automatic labor contract

Cory reads Jarrods old labor contract

Cory takes straw pole for each item on contract

Item 1 - No more than 5 gross no shows of regularly assigned labor per month for 3 months - passes

Item 2 - You must sign off on labor to count - passes

Item 3 - You must get you labor covered if you are going to be absent - passes

Entire labor contract - passes

Cory - for the remainder of the meeting I will be referring to these three items as one item called the behavior contract

Agenda Item 3

(Steward) Gabe is up for automatic membership review for missed labor

Beryl - Gabe missed 10 hours in one month he is assigned library clean Friday and Mondays, pantry cleaning on Wednesdays

Bernard - I have pictures of pantry when he was assigned, the same food was still there from September the 1st

Bernard - he is hit and miss with stuff. I have brought him up on member review before

Cory conducts straw poll -

Eviction - none
Behavior contrast - all
No action - none

Logan - he followed the contract when he was on it last time

Tiff- maybe it could be longer

General chatter about length of contract occurs for several minutes

Logan - 5 months seems like a good number

Cory - so a standard contract, but it’s for 5 months instead of three - passes

Whole contract - passes

Agenda Item 4

(Steward) Leo is up for automatic membership review for missed labor

Beryl - He missed 10.5 hours in a month

Leo - which hours exactly?

Bernard - I have the picture of fridge clean up. The hours were signed off on but I saw it wasn’t done. Neither DCU nor fridge clean up were done.

Leo - I thought I was just DCU and not fridge clean up

Bernard - there was an email and the labor list posted in the door

General chatter about labor sheet ensues for several minutes

Kate - he has been missing DCU and that is important because it prevents rodents

Leo- I missed a few of them, I’ll do better in the future

Bernard - we have flex labor that he can do

Jill - Moving back to talking about pickles’s member review, she was not receiving emails

Logan - I have seen Quinn go in the commons and clean up, then no-show the people that didn’t do it - Leo was just no showed and he signed off on it, he signed the sheet but did not do the labor

Logan - he has had many times where he was told he was about to be member reviewed and still didn’t clean but signed off on it

Cory conducts a Straw poll

Eviction - 1 vote

Contract - all hands

No action - none

Contract passes

Paul - we had a line that a person must check in with labor czar

Gardenia - maybe making it longer like 6 months

Cory - straw pole to pass a standard behavior contract except for 6 months instead of 3

Whole thing passes

Agenda Item 5

(Steward) Robbie is up for automatic membership review for missed labor

Beryl - Robbie missed 8 hours

Robbie - missed 2 dinners, I've had a lot going on, it's been rough, Im sorry, I'll do my best. I know I’ve been labor reviewed before this is kinda connected to that.

Kate - are you planning on doing it in the future

Robbie - yes, it helps if I have a person to be accountable too

Robbie leaves the meeting

Kate - he's consistently doing his labor, he had a short time where he didn’t get it done but I think I’ll do it in the future so no action makes sense

Eviction - none
Behavior contract - none
No action - All

Agenda Item 6

(Steward) Lorenzo is up for automatic membership review for missed labor

Beryl - he missed 8 hours he was assigned DCU on Sunday evenings, he also does ground flex stuff but he does stuff for Phil often

Kate - maybe he should be switched to grounds and have him sign off on stuff

Bernard - he does stuff for Phil, I see him doing it

Gardenia - He has labor on Mondays and DCU Sunday

Cory conducts straw poll

Eviction - none
Behavior contrast - none
No action - all

Agenda Item 1

(Steward) Officer reports

Kitchen Manager - Bernard - It would be nice if I knew when stuff was coming in so I could put stuff away. sometimes people just put stuff on shelves so I put it away. I put up new bug strips, they were working well.

Beryl - we put what we can in the fridge

Logan - those bins can hold about what we need for the week. If we get KAF stuff and it doesn’t fit, we can put it outside

Maintenance Coordinator - Logan - got in contact with some people about doing small odd jobs. If anyone has small stuff let me know and I can get people on that

Paul - I have a wasp nest outside my window

Bernard - is everyone doing their labor?

Logan - yes most people have been asking me for labor

Events - Beryl - phoenix/ivy have another cats showing. In November we have day of the dead celebration.

Steward - Beryl - I have handed off some responsibilities, I got labor czar position filled by Joy

Treasurer in Absentia - Corey - I've been working on moving banks and closing accounts and that is slowly moving. We have sent out security deposits. We will pay out the $700 compost bill for the whole contract. We are moving over bank accounts. We have three temporary checks for Frost.

Food Buyer - Alyssa - everything is fine so far. I have been trying to keep potatoes and onions but they sometimes don’t fit in boxes. I started getting beverages.
Leah - I talked to the compost people about not having the bin out

Board Rep - Leah - we have changed banks. We had ABCA, and we have some stuff happening with grants committee. I hope to get Rules Committee going too. We are working on lots of stuff.

Yarrow - we are making progress on switching banks, this should make finance easier to handle and hand off. Books will be neater. We have some difficulty paying payroll taxes which needs to be done every month, we switched accountants and we had to set up an online way to pay our payroll taxes

Bookkeeper - Tiff - everything is going good. Late fees are out. Sent an email about payment plans, Cory helped me with a big thing.
Cory - Stormie’s deposit has been applied to their debt

Reina - I have been learning new stuff. I've talked to David about income disclosure forms, and I've been learning other stuff. I will have a better report next month.

New business

Logan - FNB took down the Dia De Los Muertos stuff and that was kinda hurtful
Kate - we should talk to FNB about negotiation with boundaries, we have used some of their stuff and I don’t know how they feel about that. We should talk to them about general boundaries

Leah - potluck style reception here on Thursday
Bernard - considering alcohol, how are you handling it?
Leah - Alyssa is fine with it