Table of Contents

March 9, 2025

Present: Paul (minutes), Chinhae, Tif, Lorenzo, Graham, Reyna, Angelia, Jennifer, Joy, Richard, Frog (facilitator), Diana, Leah, Venus

Meet and Greet

Paul (minutes), Chinhae, Tif, Lorenzo, Graham, Reyna, Angelia, Jennifer, Joy, Richard, Frog (facilitator), Diana, Leah, Venus

Review of Minutes

Minutes approved.

Wiki Updates & Announcements

Frog: I’m stepping down from maintenance and running for Steward. I’m still working on the pest control visit. They’ll be thorough.

Birthday party Friday night, 8:30ish!

Nominations have been posted for maintenance coordinator. Steward has two nominees so there will be an election next week. We’ll post emails about that process.

Agenda Item 1

(cory) Consider appealing some of Gabe's no-shows

Tabled - Cory is not here.

Agenda Item 2

(Labor Czar) Review & vote on whether Gabriel C has violated the terms of his Eviction Hold-off Agreement (labor/behavior contract) in:

1. accruing more than five gross credit hours of no-shows for performance of regularly assigned cooperative labor tasks per month, 2. signing off on cooperative labor tasks which had not, in fact, been completed at that time, and/or 3. failing to make a good-faith effort to ensure assignments were completed by an alternate member whenever unable to complete assigned labor

Tabled - Gabe is not here and we’re not sure he was properly notified.

Agenda Item 3

(Yarrow) I think we should have a neighborhood block party to build community with our Gault Street neighbors. Can we do it? How should we plan it? Do we have the budget for food and drink? etc. etc.

Tabled - Yarrow is not here.

Agenda Item 4

(Venus) Problems with unit

Sink needs to be snaked Mold in bathroom Mold underneath the kitchen sink Rat hole behind fridge

Venus: The bathroom door doesn’t close all the way. I’ve painted a bunch. The electrical outlets break electronics. There’s mold. I want an abatement on rent about the mold.

Point of information: That takes a separate agenda item that calls for that specifically.

Clarifying question: Did officers do an inspection?

POI: A basic inspection - they talked about the electricity and the mold.

CQ: Do you know about the official maintenance email?

Venus: I do now.

Venus: I’m improving the space. I want help doing that.


New business

CQ: If people need help moving out during the pest treatment, can we possibly schedule a bulk second treatment for those folks?

CQ: Can we try to coordinate with each other to keep pets out of units and do required cleaning?

POI: I’d like the no-show report to identify exactly which labors I was no-showed for so I can contest them specifically as I did or did not do them.

Joy, labor: Some of those were minutes that didn’t get transferred to the spreadsheet. Some are for no-signatures on some labors.

POI: My partner is disabled and there are some issues where they can’t perform labor and have been no-showed.

POI: We should try to find accommodating labor for them.

Can we build a waterslide?