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Located at 7910 Gault St. in sunny Austin, Texas, La Reunion is an open, non-discriminatory, and democratic apartment-style community based on cooperative principles. Meetings are held in unit 106 on Sundays and Wednesdays at around 7:00 PM and are open to all. Call us at (512)763-0558 or see the links to the left if you're interested in joining or learning more.

La Reunion has 2 exciting fundraising projects going on: one for building-wide wireless internet, and another for replacing ancient air conditioning/heating units.

This site is a wiki. Logged-in users can edit pages using wiki syntax, and items can be added to the News and Meetings pages. Read about how to edit the wiki, or how to add agenda items for upcoming meetings.


Updates for the week of 3-16-15

It's been a while since any new news posts have been made here. So in an effort to make this space useful and not a depressing reminder of how infrequent we update this site, I'll be (trying) to post weekly updates here. I'm still working out format ideas, but the kinds of things you might expect to see in these updates could be:

  • Upcoming events and meetings
  • Recent house decisions
  • Important information from officers and/or members
  • Other events in the community

Sunday's house meeting

Minutes from the meeting are available here.

Other News

Elections for Kitchen manager are underway

You should have received a ballot from the Labor Czars. Fill it out, and place it in the Rent Box. Ballots will be counted at house meeting this Sunday.

No-Show Reports

No-Show reports for January hours that have converted to fines, and February hours that can still be resolved with make up labor went out over email. Please read them and make up any hours you owe.

Upcoming events

March 22 7:00pm @ LaRe Commons - House meeting

March 24 8:45pm @ Sasona - CHEA Board meeting

March 28 @ Sasona - General Membership Meeting

Agenda items for GMM include:

2015/03/20 23:11 UTC · iamed

New Cell Phone announcements system!

We have a new system for receiving pertinent announcements for members, and it doesn't require internet access! Important notifications will be sent out via text, shooting for a flexible maximum of five (5) texts per week.

Wanna join? Simply text @LaReCoop to 23559 or visit the LaReCoop Cell to join! Yay for accessible communication!

2013/11/19 00:14 UTC · travis

New Forum Up And Running

We have a new forum up and running to replace the much hated email system! Stop using the listserv now and head over there by either clicking new link in this website's navigation bar or by pointing your browser to Together, we can defeat our cluttered inboxes!


2013/11/18 17:38 UTC · jess

It's Hot As $%!# So Let's Have A Party!

It's hot as $%!#, so let's have a party! On August 24th, La Reunion Cooperative will be having an awesome party that is sure to melt the face off of your Saturday night! Lounge in our botanical gardens, or indulge in our cool air-conditioning. Enjoy the delicate melodies that will boom from Claude's apartment. If you do not come to this party, you are likely a square and we didn't want you anyway. Costumes encouraged! Blame them on heat insanity.

It's the end of our first summer as a community. Let's end this season with a bang!

Will Have:

Potluck BYOB drinks Face Painting Music Fun

Want To Have:

Snow Cones Party Games Water Games

Please contact Jess Hay if you can provide any of the “want to have” items. This event is open to members of La Reunion Cooperative as well as members of the surrounding community and other cooperatives.

August 24th, 6 to 10 pm

2013/08/18 23:52 UTC · travis

Children's Program Starting Next Sunday!

Kids Activities!


Fun games and crafts, and group playtime for kids in our neighborhood!


Anyone can come, but our activities are probably best fit for ages 4-11. An adult will be supervising the children at all times.


La Reunion Cooperative, the big yellow building at 7910 Gault Street. Activities will be downstairs in room #106.


Next Sunday, 8/27 from 2 to 3 p.m.

2013/08/17 01:47 UTC · travis

Healthy Food, Healthy Families

Offered by the Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program of Texas A&M AgriLife, Healthy Food, Healthy Families is a series of seven classes designed to teach:

  • Making healthy food choices
  • Cooking tasty, nutritious foods
  • Using food dollars wisely
  • Choosing healthy snacks
  • Handling and storing food safely
  • Walking for better health
  • And much More!

Classes are held at 7:00 PM in the La Reunion commons, unit 106, starting on Tuesday August 20 until October 1.

Please direct RSVPs and requests for additional information to either Jess Hay or Hannah Frankel.

2013/08/11 01:50 UTC · nolan

Housewarming Hootenanny

Earlier this year the Community Housing Expansion of Austin was fortunate enough to purchase a new house, the second in its network and a long-time goal. La Reunion Coop is not only a new coop, but a different kind of co-op. We focus on making the cooperative option available to low-income and minority members and being a resource for our neighborhood by holding events and making our space available to our community.

It's been a wild couple of months filled with early challenges and successes, and there's much more yet ahead. We're proud of the progress we've made and would like to invite you to come over and celebrate with us!

We'll be having music, dancing, BBQ in our courtyard from 6-10. Bring some food for a potluck dinner. Bring an instrument to jam out on, a frisbee to toss around, or just your lovely self. Kids and animals welcome. Drinks BYOB.

We look forward to connecting and getting to know you!

If you are involved in another co-op (whether housing, worker, consumer, etc.) we'd especially love to learn more about how our organizations can connect and support each other!

2013/07/10 16:42 UTC · admin
home.1385081340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/28 18:05 UTC (external edit)