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meetings:2023-07-30 [2023/07/31 00:42 UTC]
cforee [New business]
meetings:2023-07-30 [2023/07/31 21:33 UTC] (current)
cforee [July 30, 2023]
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 ====== July 30, 2023 ====== ====== July 30, 2023 ======
-Present: <font 10.5pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;#333333;;inherit>Kate, Josh, Chinhae, Josh, Stormie (facilitator), Len, Mcallen, Philip, Russ,</font> <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;white>Graham</font>  <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;inherit>, Bernard Paul, Cayla (minutes),</font> <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;white>Lyss</font>  a+Present: <font 10.5pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;#333333;;inherit>Kate, Josh, Chinhae, Josh, Stormie (facilitator), Len, Mcallen, Philip,  Jennifer, Russ,</font>  <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;white>Graham</font> <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;inherit>, Bernard Paul, Cayla (minutes),</font> <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;white>Lyss</font>
meetings/2023-07-30.1690764139.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/07/31 00:42 UTC by cforee