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meetings:2023-08-27 [2023/08/28 01:18 UTC]
cforee [Wiki Updates & Announcements]
meetings:2023-08-27 [2023/08/28 01:19 UTC] (current)
cforee [New business]
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 ===== New business ===== ===== New business =====
 +<font 11pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Food Not Bombs used all of our Potatoes on Saturday and we need to talk with them.</font>
 +<font 11pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>POI: Paul has volunteered to reach out on Slack</font>
 +<font 11pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Membership Coordinator: We have some future members who want to know if they can send a pod to sit here before the move-in</font>
 +<font 11pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>POI: We can have it depending on size and how long it will be there</font>
 +<font 11pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Cayla: I will see about getting Waiver information from my job we can use</font>
 +<font 10.5pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;#333333;;white>Chinhae</font>   : I will be making a training slide show for OSHA safety and be sending it out and if anyone wants I will present it for the house
meetings/2023-08-27.1693185495.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/08/28 01:18 UTC by cforee