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meetings:2023-09-10 [2023/09/11 01:36 UTC]
cforee [Agenda Item 2]
meetings:2023-09-10 [2023/09/11 01:38 UTC] (current)
cforee [New business]
Line 81: Line 81:
 (Joshua Pineda) If Tracey ends up departing LRC, we need to discuss organizing efforts for his roommate. We need to insure their needs moving forward and work to be able to fulfill those needs. (Joshua Pineda) If Tracey ends up departing LRC, we need to discuss organizing efforts for his roommate. We need to insure their needs moving forward and work to be able to fulfill those needs.
-<pagemod addagenda output_before>+<font 8.0pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>wewe</font> <font 10.5pt/inherit;;#333333;;inherit>Josh: We need to make sure Dwyane will be okay with Tracy leaving.</font>
-===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ =====+<font 10.5pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;#333333;;inherit>We need you to make a list in order to know</font>
-(@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@+===== New business =====
-</pagemod>+<font 10.5pt/Calibri,sans-serif;;#333333;;inherit>Len: We had a new member in 103 but they moved in before I could meet for lease or deposit. I will get that from them asap</font>
-===== New business ===== 
meetings/2023-09-10.1694396202.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/11 01:36 UTC by cforee