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meetings:2024-05-19 [2024/05/17 16:36 UTC]
paulwuersig Created from the form at meetings
meetings:2024-05-19 [2024/05/22 05:16 UTC] (current)
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 ====== May 19, 2024 ====== ====== May 19, 2024 ======
-Present:+Present: Paul (minutes), Leah, Bernard, Chinhae, Russ, Philip, Beryl (facilitator), Jennifer, Tiff, Graham, Len
 ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Meet and Greet =====
 +Aiden (first meeting)
 ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Review of Minutes =====
 +Minutes approved.
 ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
-~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+(Paul) Approve grammar fixes and language clarification in a critical section [Jack's Law] of our MemCo description.
-<hidden onHidden="Click to open form" onVisible="Click to hide form (useful for printing)" initialState="visible" -noprint>+Original/current language: “Make sure that new members pay their sign an Income Disclosure Affidavit, deposit, membership fee, and any pet deposit needed when they sign their contract. If they do not pay their fees and the income disclosure, then they cannot sign a contract.”
-<form>+Updated language: “Make sure that new members pay their deposit and pet fees when they sign their contract and income disclosure affidavit. People who do not pay their deposit and fees and sign the income disclosure form cannot sign a contract.”
-Action pagemod _self addagenda+**Approved.**
-Thanks "Agenda Item added"+(Paul) Re-add "If a couple wishes to share a room, then they will pay 2/3 of the cost of the apartment. [HM 06-29-14]to our wiki rules, which was accidentally removed by a wiki maintainer years ago.
-textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/+Russ, bookkeeper: There’s a couple paying $508 right now. How do we negotiate that?
-textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/+Paul: In the past we’ve treated this as “three roommates pay 1/3rd each” and “four roommates pay 1/4th.” We could standardize the rules better but I’m just restoring the current language. I think a third person moving in is a good time to sign a new contract with a couple currently paying $508.
-static "Note$ must be escaped by preceding with a \Example: \$100"+RussWe want to make sure we’re fair to everyone.
-number "La Reunion's Street Number" <7911 >7909+**Approved.** 
 +===== Agenda Item 1 =====
-hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1"+(Leah) Discuss CHEA Operations Manager position expectations, including how many hours per week CHEA should budget for this role, and rate of pay
-submit "Add to Agenda"+Leah: Historically we’ve budgeted 10 hours a week for $20/hour. NASCO Properties has subsidized another 15 hours but they stopped doing that. Do we want to increase his hours more, at least temporarily? I don’t know what people’s experiences with David have been. He seems to be trying to move away from emergency maintenance and more to finance/accounting to save us money in the middle of budget streams. I do think it’s a good idea to focus on higher-level things and let officers handle day-to-day stuff. Ten hours might not be enough for that. Twenty-five might.
-</form>+Clarifying question: He’s been on 10 hours?
-</hidden>+Point of information: For a few weeks.
-~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+Leah: We only have to provide provisional funding until the next budget in June/July.
-~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+Leah: The two questions are hours and if we want to bump it to $22.
-<pagemod addagenda output_before>+Point of information: I’m fine with the pay raise.
-===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ =====+Point of information: It’s been a very broad job, and he seems to be changing roles a lot.
-(@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@+Leah: The board statements of intent for the role have been broad.
-</pagemod>+Point of information: I’d also be happy to see him paid more. He helps finance and operations a lot. He’s a great asset.
-~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+Leah: We should have a solid budget to examine at GMM June 22nd. We’ve split it 20/25 hours and with/without payrate increase. 
 +Point of information: I’m curious about a 10-hour schedule as well.
 ===== New business ===== ===== New business =====
 +Paul: I’ll be gone for 2-3 weeks, and need someone to take minutes in my absence.
 +Graham: I’ll volunteer to take minutes.
 +GMM June 22nd! That’s a Saturday.
 +Tiff: I’m injured and won’t be able to cook.
meetings/2024-05-19.1715963766.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/17 16:36 UTC by paulwuersig