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meetings:2024-08-04 [2024/07/19 16:07 UTC]
steward Created from the form at meetings
meetings:2024-08-04 [2024/08/12 00:00 UTC] (current)
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-====== August  4, 2024 ======+====== August 4, 2024 ======
-Present:+Present: Graham(minutes), Leah, Stormie, Robbie, Paul, Tif, Bernard, Quinn, Caitlin, Jennifer, Kate, Beryl, Guest 1,
 ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Meet and Greet =====
 ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Review of Minutes =====
-===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====+Minutes pass
-~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
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-~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+===== Agenda Item 1 =====
 +Stormie - We are pursuing eviction for Fred. They denied the initial application, they changed things since the last one. Documents must be signed by a notary or clerk. This is new. I will go there on Tuesday and get that sorted. Fred told Lyn that Fred found a place and would move Friday, then told me Monday after next.\\ 
 +Cory - pertaining to the last agenda item, I found an instacart receipt, it does give a breakdown.\\ 
 +Stormie - we are full unless someone wants a roommate. Aiden moved into Hardy house. Another person is interested in moving in here. We haven’t had new people for meet and greet in a few weeks.\\ 
 +Treasure report - Len - we have bills to pay. We need the card back. We will be sending full lease payment to MP, we won't do that in September. Maggie hasn’t been paid since march. I will discuss this at the NASCO meeting as a rep. They sold two peach tree buildings, with one maybe being sold to a coopish organization.\\ 
 +Paul - how goes lease addendums?\\ 
 +Stormie - people have until august 31st, after that a notice to vacate.\\ 
 +Bernard - why eviction notice\\ 
 +Cory - it gets added to a new lease, if people don’t want a new lease than they must be moving out.\\ 
 +Stormie - as board rep I think I am the bridge between NP and CHEA, we have been paying Ops manager to go to meetings for two hours per week. So the ops manager goes to meetings and then reports to me, but I should just go to the meetings.\\ 
 +Cory - we got budgets passed for everybody, Sasona had a bigger rent increase than us. We all got our budgets put together. We are moving to a new bank. Board is all elected. I will be filing documents with the state on who the board members are. There is lots of stuff that is still going to happen\\ 
 +Board rep - Leah - Bailey is secretary, Yarrow and Roberto are on the board, I will do secretary stuff\\ 
 +Beryl - not a lot going on. I was supposed to give out a notice to vacate, but that person paid up\\ 
 +Paul - what's up with labor\\ 
 +Beryl - not sure, haven’t talked to labor.\\ 
 +Paul - he has sent out an email saying no no shows.\\ 
 +Cory - the no shows generate money which can lower rent increases.\\ 
 +Tif - everyones rent increase is done in and quickbooks. We only have three people on payment plans. I haven’t heard about labor fines.\\ 
 +Stormie - can we record Events coordinator/maintenance coordinator/labor coordinator/food buyer did not send out officer report email.\\ 
 +Leah - food buyer will have some more money to get stuff in the upcoming time\\ 
 +Cory - we need to do something about the bees. They can destroy things.\\ 
 +*General discussion about bees ensues for several minutes.*\\ 
 +Bernard -  when it rains it comes into the bedroom. There is mold on shutters. There may be more mold.\\ 
 +Cory - sounds like siding degradation. We have lots of rotting wood around the whole place. 
 +===== Agenda Item 2 ===== 
 +(Robbie) Renegotiate payment plan 
 +Robbie: last month was bad financially, I will be signing a new lease and would like an updated payment plan.\\ 
 +Bernard: the auto generated payment can be different if it isn’t entered right.\\ 
 +Robbie: I have been paying, the number should be down, but has risen slightly.\\ 
 +Beryl: vote on this?\\ 
 +Vote passes 
 +===== Agenda Item 3 ===== 
 +(Quinn) Let's discuss getting record-keeping of how the food budget is being spent to save money and know how to spend the new 200/mo as a House 
 +Quinn; I have wondered for a while how food money is spent. We have $200 more for food, I’m still not sure how any of the money is spent. I have talked to Alyssa about how the money is being spent. I sent two emails and got in contact with Alyssa, I asked for a monthly food budget. It's been three weeks with very little progress. I thought I should bring this up. I had a previous agenda item about this. I don't think anyone has seen a budget breakdown.\\ 
 +Leah: I know she’s had a lot of stuff going on recently\\ 
 +Quinn: I have been emailing like Alyssa asked. I have gone through the steward and used the food buyer email. I have been told that these are good ways of reaching Alyssa.\\ 
 +Cory - we do not break down groceries super detailed\\ 
 +Stormie- sasona has a CHEA Costco card\\ 
 +Quinn - I would like to get more food and cheaper food. I would have liked to be at the meeting where we increased the food budget. I think we could save money by sourcing stuff better. We could bring down the cost a lot and use less than we are allotted\\ 
 +Leah - I will communicate this to Alyssa. Neither of us were aware that there was a food buyer email.\\ 
 +Cory - I can look into the food buyer email.\\ 
 +Stormie - bookkeeper should have receipts. They may be digital receipts.\\ 
 +Quinn- we could screenshot instacart orders 
 +===== Agenda Item 4 ===== 
 +(Stormie) Ask for a new payment plan 
 +Stormie: I missed a payment for the payment plan, I am switching to a new job. I want a new payment plan to start in September\\ 
 +Beryl: vote on this?\\ 
 +Vote passes
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 ===== New business ===== ===== New business =====
 +Stormie - sasona has a CHEA Costco card. We could split the cost between houses. We can save money on bulk stuff.\\
 +Leah - we should talk to labor about cleaning the kitchen\\
 +Stormie - I stopped doing steward because of all the evictions and notices to vacate and stuff, it is a whole lot of effort. I can help the steward with that as needed.\\
 +Bernard - I am protesting the new rent increase (this is a joke)\\
 +Stormie - we only interact with sasona a few times per year, maybe we could do something once a month socially, I could be good. We live kinda far apart and I don’t want us to end up like Peach.\\
 +Beryl - maybe we can involve Hardy house as well eventually.\\
 +Stormie - Hardy House is usually grad students that move out after 9 months. It is currently filled with mostly long term minded people.\\
 +Tif - I have surgery on the 5th of September. Russ will help out during that time.\\
 +Stormie - in 2022 Meg moved out and never got her deposit, so I need to get with the treasurer. Len is having trouble finding the payment.
meetings/2024-08-04.1721405270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/19 16:07 UTC by steward