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meetings:2024-08-25 [2024/08/20 01:46 UTC] Modified from the form at meetings:2024-08-25
meetings:2024-08-25 [2024/09/09 01:08 UTC] (current)
paulwuersig [August 25, 2024]
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 ====== August 25, 2024 ====== ====== August 25, 2024 ======
-Present:+Present: Paul (minutes), Cory, Kate, Tif, Beryl, Ivy, Bernard, Stormie, Russ, Graham, Frog, Lorenzo, Don, Leah, Philip, David (operations manager) 
 ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Meet and Greet =====
 +Jeff (first meeting), April (first meeting)
 ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Review of Minutes =====
 +Minutes approved.
 ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
-~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+Russ: I updated the wiki where it still said $100 was the maximum threshold to remain in good standing to $250, which we decided at least a year ago.
-<hidden onHidden="Click to open form" onVisible="Click to hide form (useful for printing)" initialState="visible" -noprint>+===== Agenda Item 1 =====
-<form>+(Phillip) Can we talk about changing where we buy our grounds supplies
-Action pagemod _self addagenda+Stormie: Philip thought the card could only be used at Lowe’s, but I informed him otherwise. We do have the tax-exempt status set up at Lowe’s.
-Thanks "Agenda Item added"+Cory: The blank tax-exempt form is available in the officer Google docs.
-textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/+**Agenda item tabled.** 
 +===== Agenda Item 2 =====
-textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/+Stormie: Dwain said he’d only be able to do two hours of labor. Labor czar has some discretion but not two hours worth. He has a doctor’s note, and it’s hard for him to do labor without pain, or if he doesn’t have his pain meds.
-static "Note: $ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example: \$100"+**Concerns / friendly amendments**
-number "La Reunion'Street Number" <7911 >7909+Leah: Can we go through the formal process we have for this, please? It’ll leave records of accommodation for the next labor czar. It’a link in the Membership section of the website. It can be a test case for the request.
-hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1"+Stormie: Sure. Maybe we can talk about having short-term accommodations without house approval, say shorter than two months for injuries or other issues.
-submit "Add to Agenda"+**Approved.** 
 +===== New business =====
-</form>+Russ: If someone on a payment plan comes to the house because they broke their payment plan and need to get on a new payment plan, and then don’t sign that payment plan for multiple weeks, what do we do?
-</hidden>+Point of information: I guess it’s at the discretion of the finance officers. But maybe we should specify a timeframe.
-~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+Cory: We should define abandonment of the premises better in our contract.
 +Point of information: We should require roommates to sign roommate agreements.
-===== Agenda Item 1 =====+Point of information: When roommates don’t pay bills, what should we do?
-(Phillip) Can we talk about changing where we buy our grounds supplies+POI: I think it’s reasonable to come to the house about that. You shouldn’t be out of pocket because of your roommate.
-<pagemod addagenda output_before>+POI: The co-op should also not have to pay for the utilities of members. We’re all adults here.
-===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ =====+POI: We should specify that utility agreements are binding and if they don’t pay, to withdraw that money from their deposit.
-(@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@+Clarifying question: If someone doesn’t have a roommate, would the co-op pay half the electricity? Could we use the vacancy reserve fund?
-</pagemod>+POI: No, we’ve never done that. And the vacancy reserve fund is intended for other things and low right now, so we should be careful about what we use it for.
 +We decide to have the next rules committee meeting this Thursday at six pm. Everyone is welcome to come listen and engage! 
 +Efforts are ongoing to connect with Sasona over culture/events and maintenance. 
 +David’s going to verify Sasona’s business CostCo account, and if the houses can split that cost and responsibility. 
 +David’s also been looking into digitizing our contracts. We digitize them anyway so we might as well do it totally. 
 +POI: I worry that it won’t be accessible to everyone. 
 +Stormie: Signing a paper copy will remain an option. But it’ll save a lot of time not tracking people down. 
 +Stormie: Does anyone have an issue with David sending contracts and income disclosure forms to people in the absence of our membership coordinator? 
 +POI: Seems like something that’s fine if the board doesn’t have any problem with it. I don't see any dissent here. 
 +Stormie: I need lease addendum forms signed! If they aren’t signed by next Saturday, there’ll be a notice to vacate on your door, because that’s you saying you don’t want to live here. If you’ve communicated with me that you intend to sign, this doesn’t apply, but there are multiple members I haven’t heard from at all. Get with me, sign a contract! 
 +Stormie: New labor chart has been posted, with hours. Check your labor. 
 +Cory, finance advisor to the board: We’re moving to Frost Bank and a new accountant. We’re closing a QB account we don’t need and saving money. 
 +Clarifying question: I don’t smoke, and I’m sensitive to smoke and even vaping. What are my rights around smokers? I know I could ask people directly but that feels like a confrontation. 
 +POI: Our rules say no smoking inside. 
 +POI: I’ve thought about proposing a ban on smoking during our outdoor meetings. If it bothers other members that’s more of a reason to do it. 
 +POI: Please respect your fellow members and be aware that they may have sensitivities. Maybe we could have a reminder at the beginning of meetings. 
 +POI: I worry about drug tests with my job and other people lighting up around me. Please respect other people in that way. 
 +POI: While we’re at it, please don’t smoke near the gas main in the corner. There are “no smoking” signs, but I still see butts out there. 
 +If you’re not on the email list, let an officer know so we can get you on it! It’s one of our primary communication methods.
-===== New business ===== 
meetings/2024-08-25.1724118407.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/20 01:46 UTC by