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September 1, 2024


Meet and Greet

Review of Minutes

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Agenda Item 1

(Caitlyn) We need to figure out some long term solutions to food safety stuff in the commons.

Here are a few major problems I've seen that need to get addressed.

1. Mice/mouse shit. I found two cardboard boxes full of mouse shit which is disgusting and potentially dangerous. We need to deal with the mice and in the meantime make sure there's nothing out for them to eat

2. Bugs in flour. Flour keeps getting left out on pantry shelves which means mice and bugs get into them. The two containers of flour we have got filled from bags that had been left out previously and now they're full of bugs. Another two smaller bags needed to get thrown out because mice got into them and shit in there.

3. Leftovers. I know for a fact that Lyssa has bought tupperwares for the commons to store leftovers in but they keep disappearing so we're back to the original problem of leftovers getting stored basically in whatever they were cooked in. I also feel like leftovers rarely get eaten so it honestly might make sense to just throw them out if they don't get eaten after like a day or two. I've personally started erring on the side of cooking less food in order to minimize/eliminate leftovers.

Agenda Item 2

(Steward) Officer Reports

New business

meetings/2024-09-01.1725039707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/30 17:41 UTC by steward