This is an old revision of the document!
Present: Bernard, Gardenia, Beryl, Cory, Chinhae, Joy, Reyna, Leah, Philip, Tif, Graham, Robbie, Leo, Russ, Don
Bella (first meeting)
Minutes approved.
Beryl: All three labor behavior contracts have been signed.
Corey: There’s a finance meeting this Thursday for finance officers.
Bernard will be making his classic Thanksgiving meal. Other people are also welcome to cook.
(Paul) Add Kitchen Manager as an elected officer position.
Kitchen Manager (4 Hours)
● Oversee cooks, including training and development.
● Maintain inventory levels for all staples and special requests, and ensuring proper storage.
● Send a list of needed items to the food buyer weekly.
● Maintain a list of all food allergies and dietary restrictions and ensure all meals are labeled properly.
● Ensure food safety and quality.
● Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, as well as state, federal, and local food handling requirements.
● Promptly address issues such as equipment breakdowns or supply shortages.
● Organize the pantry and fridges to maximize space.
● Coordinate with the Labor Czar if there are changes to cooks or other kitchen laborers, and coordinate with other officers as necessary.
Paul: We used to have an elected kitchen manager. This was the plan all along for this position created by the last labor czar. I fixed the tense of the language to match the other officer positions.
Corey: Can we amend it to make clear that Bernard may continue to serve in the role until the next election?
Paul: Of course.
Amendment passes.
Passes as amended.
(Leah) Establish a timeline for member signature of eviction holdoff agreements (behavioral contracts) & rent repayment plans in the house manual - rules work group will discuss its recommendations (2 weeks or effective date of the repayment plan, whichever is sooner, to request reasonable accommodations, appeal, or sign)
Leah: Members should be notified by posting online and in their unit within one day.
Paul: Do we have specific language to pass?
Point of information: We could get the wiki maintainer to do that, or someone could codify it.
Leah: The basics are pretty specific. It should be straightforward.
Corey: I’d like to examine this more closely for payment plan deadlines, where there’s already a timeline for filing notice to vacate of the 21st.
Leah: We can drop that or bring it back up if there are objections.
Agenda item passes.
(Leah) Establish procedure for calling urgent/emergency meetings for Member Review in our house manual:
The way we recently rewrote our procedure for announcing Member Reviews, there's no provision that allows for a review to be held faster than 7-13 days; we should discuss under what circumstances we would allow the preferred announcement at a prior meeting to be waived (such as violence or imminent threat of violence) in order to have an expedited meeting (from announcement of the Member Review, not referring to the length of the review itself).
Rules work group consensus was as short as 72 hours with some additional conditions beyond 3 signatures, but as always we invite discussion!
Leah: It’s not clear we can file faster membership reviews if it’s necessary for a pressing situation.
Paul: We were aware of this hole when we updated the rules, and planned to address it. I think it makes more sense to maybe have multiple officers making that decision to expedite to NEXT Sunday’s meeting or a 48-hour emergency meeting.
Leah: I thought our previous discussion was about either.
Corey: I imagine: 3 people filing for a membership review, and inform the officer that they’d like an expedited review because of violence or threats or some other reason. At that point the officer can start a 48-hour meeting timer. During those 48 hours members can ask it to be pushed back to the Sunday meeting, like our existing rules.
Clarifying question: Do we have specific language?
Point of information: Not yet.
CQ: Could people call a committee meeting under our current language?
POI: I think so, but it’d just be an announcement at that point.
POI: We should look at revising the “committee meetings” language that made this possible before - it’s old and vague.
Discussion closed.
Gardenia: I’m still working on the tea party. I’ll probably make a form for people to contribute teas or tea accessories.
Joy, labor: I just got into the labor email.