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meetings:2024-11-24 [2024/11/22 18:26 UTC]
steward [Agenda Item 2]
meetings:2024-11-24 [2024/12/01 21:04 UTC] (current)
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 ====== November 24, 2024 ====== ====== November 24, 2024 ======
-Present:+Present: Beryl (facilitator), Gardenia, Lorenzo, Frog, Bernard, Reyna, Paul (minutes), Dwain, Leah, Joy, Graham
 ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Meet and Greet =====
 +Evan (first meeting)
 ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Review of Minutes =====
 +Minutes approved.
 ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
-~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+Steward: Officer reports should’ve happened this week. Postponed one week.
-<hidden onHidden="Click to open form" onVisible="Click to hide form (useful for printing)" initialState="visible" -noprint>+Nynke is assigned to be wiki maintainer.
-<form>+Gardenia: Next Sunday will be the kitchen meeting as well. Feel free to contact me however or on the email list. I’ll be facilitating the meeting, 5:30 pm.
-Action pagemod _self addagenda+===== Agenda Item 1 =====
-Thanks "Agenda Item added"+(kate) direct people on our wait list towards hardy house/santa clara coop.
-textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/+<Kate is not present.>
-textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/+Reyna, membership coordinator: I thought about doing this, given their situation. But we don’t have a waitlist at the moment.

-static "Note: $ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example: \$100"+===== Agenda Item 2 =====
-number "La Reunion's Street Number" <7911 >7909+(joy) Discuss DCU reassignment. Solidify which days of the week dinner should happen to ensure dishes get cleaned that night.
-hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1"+Joy, labor czar: We’ve talked about not cooking on nights when there’s not a cleaner. Right now we have Russ, Robbie, Quinn & Caitlyn, and Richard as cooks. People are being no-showed for not cooking.
-submit "Add to Agenda"+POI: It would be good to keep getting the cooks on the same page at the kitchen meetings.
-</form>+POI: I’d like as many cooks as possible, as long as it’s not stressful for them.
-</hidden>+Joy: We’re going to set up a new labor survey to get people’s labor preferences and availability. I want to create a workgroup with more members for labor description clarity and establishing processes for labor coordination and accountability. Keep your eyes peeled for emails about that.
-~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+**Discussion item closed.** 
 +===== Agenda Item 3 =====
-~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+(Steward) CORRECTION: A member review has been posted for Phillip McCain for violating harrassment policy, on the grounds of repeated migendering and separately mocking of a trans coop member that has been repeatedly addressed in multiple conversations with coop officers.
 +Chinhae, Beryl, Nynke, Gardenia, and Frog signed the member review.
 +Clarifying question: Can we organize a meeting with his caseworker?
-===== Agenda Item 1 =====+Point of information: It’s a pretty short timeframe to organize, coordinate with him to the caseworker, get everyone interested there at the same time.
-(kate) direct people on our wait list towards hardy house/santa clara coop.+POI: We can try, but we can’t change the member review timeframe in our current process.
 +POI: We can meet with her but I’m not sure what that will do.
 +POI: There are fair housing concerns here. If we need an advocate for him maybe we can do that through the NASCO level.
-===== Agenda Item 2 =====+**Posting discussion closed.** 
 +===== New business =====
-(joy) Discuss DCU reassignment. Solidify which days of the week dinner should happen to ensure dishes get cleaned that night+POI: Food’s still going bad in the commons.
 +Gardenia: I plan to bring that up in the kitchen meeting next week. We need to discuss containers and other issues with the current setup.
 +We still need to fill two rooms.
 +POI: There was another incident the day the membership review happened. If someone offends or disrespects you, you can’t chase, grab, or threaten them afterwards. That’s a violation of our rules.
 +POI: Oh, I know what you’re talking about. It was misinterpreted. That was an attempt at deescalation.
 +Philip: I don’t do it on purpose. I respect everyone. I tried to get my caseworker to talk to you. People are overlooking my status. I’m going through a lot of stuff.
-===== Agenda Item 3 =====+
-(Steward) CORRECTIONA member review has been posted for Phillip McCain for violating harrassment policy, on the grounds of repeated migendering and separately mocking of a trans coop member that has been repeatedly addressed in multiple conversations with officers.+Clarifying questionLabor holiday? In January?
-<pagemod addagenda output_before>+POI: Ideally not too cold.
-===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ =====+POI: Let’s solicit ideas about labor holiday projects before we nail down a date.
-(@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@+POI: Let’s get people excited about labor holiday.
-</pagemod>+POI: Ideas: Commons deep clean, doing more fixing of the balconies, pressure washing, painting, building benches to replace our rotting ones?
-===== New business ===== 
-===== New business ===== 
meetings/2024-11-24.1732299993.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/22 18:26 UTC by steward