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membership [2013/08/27 15:35 UTC]
travis [Associate (Nonresident) Members]
membership [2024/06/04 16:50 UTC] (current)
leah [Resources For Members]
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-====== Membership ====== 
-Membership in our community is [[:documents:membership|open]]–that is, it is based on whether there is first-hand knowledge of why a member might be evicted, not on whether they are liked or popular. In addition to upholding more traditional obligations of an apartment, members are expected to perform several hours of weekly [[:labor|Labor]], participate in our [[:food|food program]] and participate in a number of ways that enrich the cooperative. For more information you can always e-mail [[|]] or call (512)763-0558. We generally respond faster to e-mails than phone calls.+----
 +====== Membership ======
-    * {{:membership:contract.pdf|Rental contract}}  +Membership in our community is [[:documents:manual#membership_acceptance_policy|open]]–that is, it is based on whether there is first-hand knowledge of why a member might be evicted, not on whether they are liked or popularIn addition to upholding more traditional obligations of an apartment, members are expected to perform several hours of weekly [[:labor|Labor]], participate in our [[:food|food program]] and participate in a number of ways that enrich the cooperativeFor more information you can always e-mail [[|]].
-    * {{:membership:associate.pdf|Associate contract}} +
 +  * {{:residencycontract2017.pdf|Rental contract}}
 +  * {{:membership:associate_member_contract.pdf|Associate contract}}
 +  * [[:membership:roster|Current Members & Tenants Roster]]
-====== Current Members & Tenants Roster ====== 
 +==== Resources For Members ====
-^Unit # ^Tenant Name(s) ^Contract Start Date ^Contract End Date ^Co-op Member? ^Food Plan ^Other Occupants | +  * [[|Membership Training Checklist]] 
-|106 |Gatlin Johnson |6/1/2013 |9/30/2013 |Yes |No |None +  [[:documents:manual#member_review_policy|Membership Review Process]] 
-|109 |Jacklyne Hill |10/1/2012 |9/30/2013 |No |* |None | +  [[:documents:manual#contract_break_policy|Contract Break Policy]] 
-|207 |Cidnee Washington |10/17/2012 |10/31/2013 |No |* |None | +  [[|CHEA Accommodation Request Form]] (pdf
-|105 |Samuel & Delia Betancud |11/14/2012 |10/30/2013 |No ||"Daughter, granddaughter"+  * [[|CHEA Accommodation Request Form]] (docx)
-|110 |Don Marshall |10/27/2012 |10/31/2013 |No |* |None | +
-|208 |Silvino Garcia & Martina Maldonado |10/1/2012 |10/31/2013 |No |* |3 (?daughters | +
-|203 |Jess Hay & Beth Hayden |6/1/2013 |11/30/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|206 |Azzurra Crispino |6/5/2013 |11/30/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|201 |Leslie Patterson & Travis Jones |7/14/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|103 |Jesse Mabus |7/1/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|104 |Molly Odintz |7/1/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|104 |Meghan Radford |7/1/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|106 |Nolan Darilek |4/28/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|108 |Denise Bell |  |9/30/2013 |No ||1 son, 1 daughter | +
-|111 |Hannah Frankel |6/1/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|111 |Ryan Nill |6/1/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|202 |Monica Nwevo |1/4/2013 |12/31/2013 |No |* |1 adult brother, his girlfriend | +
-|206 |Greg Emil |7/1/2013 |12/31/2013 |Yes |No |None | +
-|101 |Donald Goff |5/1/2013 |4/30/2014 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|204 |Mike Gorse & McAllen Halsey |5/1/2013 |4/30/2014 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|209 |William Browning & Victor Green |5/1/2013 |4/30/2014 |Yes |Yes |None | +
-|210 |Cynthia Sibley |5/1/2013 |4/30/2014 |Yes |No |None | +
-|102 |Claude Clay |6/1/2013 |5/30/2014 |Yes |No |None | +
-|211 |Elaine Jackson |8/1/2013 |7/31/2014 |Yes |No |Boyfriend, 2 sons | +
-|205 |Maria & Teofilo Garcia |9/1/2013 |8/31/2014 |Yes |No |3 sons | +
-|106 |Paul Wuersig |6/1/2013 |M-to-M |Yes |Yes |None |+
-==== Associate (Nonresident) Members ====+==== Conflict Resolution Resources ====
 +  * [[|Conflict Resolution Network - CR Kit]]- Comprehensive kit of 12 Skills for conflict resolution
 +  * [[|Conflict Resolution Network - Fighting Fair Guide]]
-^  ^Current Sasoonie? ^Food Plan | +- A more easily digestible list of tips for conflict resolution
-|Jessica Pawlak |Yes |No | +
-|Erin Bannen |Yes |No | +
-|Andy Goolsby |No |No | +
-|Gina Bresett |No |No |+
 +  * [[|Austin Dispute Resolution Center]]
 +  * [[|The University of Texas Project on Conflict Resolution]]
 +  * [[|Austin Association of Mediators]]
membership.1377617718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/28 18:05 UTC (external edit)