Present: Present: Logan, Lorenzo, Kate, Chinhae, McAllen, Paul (facilitator), Philip, Bernard, Graham, Russ, Leah, Len, Stormie, Cayla (minutes)
Cindy (Second Meeting, accepted)
Zandria (First Meeting)
Jose (First Meeting)
Approved minutes
Wiki updates
3/5 updated labor contract, no more than 5 gross no show hours
5/28 updated rent to new amount
Updates will be emailed out
Updated approved
Poi; labor chart has been updated as to be accessible
(Nynke & Logan) We would like to pay rent for September with my upcoming paycheck and get on a new payment plan.
Logan: we weren’t able to pay our rent last month and are wanting to get on a new payment plan and to pay off last month's rent and then this month's rent for the two paychecks
POI: I think it would be better to roll last month into the total and then start with a new payment plan
No concerns or friendly amendments
Approved to start a new payment plan
Poi: unless someone wants to run for memco it is unopposed as we can’t assume that signature for pepe isn’t his
We will have Pepe and Logan run on a joint ticket