Present: Paul (minutes), Dwain, Stormie (facilitator), Kit, Leah, Chinhae, Beryl, Logan, Graham, Zandria, Lorenzo, Bernard
No one for meet & greet.
Minutes approved.
New Minutes-taker still needs training.
We discuss the housing implications of service animals. Several people agree we should not charge our normal initial pet fee.
Beryl: Ivy’s been out of commission with exhaustion and hasn’t done labor. Ivy is seeking labor that can be done while immobile. Are there provisions for this?
Point of information: If someone is sick we have labor compensation for that.
Maintenance: Maybe Ivy could do some of our Trello task entry.
People discuss hosting a film screening.
Stormie: We’re still waiting on the Post Office to put in their own keys.
Paul: They said they’re waiting on a lock delivery.