Present: Stormie (facilitator), Philip, Dwain, Chinhae, Kate, Paul (minutes), Bernard, Jennifer, Lorenzo, Leah, Graham
No one for meet & greet.
Minutes approved.
There’s an ongoing Covid wave. It is suggested for people to wear masks in our common spaces. Immunocompromised people live here. Please be respectful.
Kate, maintenance coordinator: Laundry room is locked so pipes aren’t burst by use, at least until the weather warms. It may rain tonight, so watch out on walkways. Keep your faucets dripping.
The last dryer is on its last legs. No hot water at all. We might need to buy more. This would be ~$3000 expense.
This week we communicated with the Office of Inspector General & The Postmaster General to try to expedite the installation of federal locks for our post boxes. We gave them a 14-day deadline.
The board is requesting email comment (email: ) for the appeal of the membership review from last week, due this Thursday. There’ll also be a live venue for commenting not this Thursday but the Thursday after that.
Officer reports next week.