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meetings:2024-08-11 [2024/08/14 19:27 UTC]
steward [Wiki Updates & Announcements:]
meetings:2024-08-11 [2024/08/14 19:28 UTC] (current)
steward [New business]
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 ===== New business ===== ===== New business =====
 +Stormie: i am not opposed to getting an estimate by any means, i just want us to be able to take time to decide before spending that much money right now. \\
 +Tif: Phil keeps the lawnmower in the living room, and it smells. is there somewhere else we can keep it? \\
 +Stormie: normally it's kept in the side area of the commons\\
 +Don: keeping gas cans and the lawnmower and stuff all in the same room is a fire hazard.
 +Bernard: its also a health code violation, you can get really sick. \\
 +Phil raised a concern about feeling like grounds labor isnt being done. \\
 +Dwain: Fred is no longer living in the unit. he is in rehab, all his stuff is gone, and he didnt leave a key.
 +Stormie: i need to check if we can even proceed with the eviction because he is in a treatment facility, it may depend on when he checked in and when the eviction was filed.
 +discussion is had about the nature of whether the eviction can go through.
 +Stormie: we still have to wait for the eviction court proceeding to happen because we cant change the locks.
 +Lorenzo: if he didnt ever pay anything, how is this set up?
 +Stormie: he didn't pay, but he did sign a lease, which shouldnt have happened.
 +Beryl: im frustrated because i told him several times to pay it, i told him how much he needed.
 +Bernard: we all learn things.
 +Stormie: we gave him every chance he could, we were flexible with timelines, we tried to accommodate him, and did what we could to help while still trying to get the money he owed us. even at the meeting right before his notice expired he told us he wasnt going to have it the day the notice expired, but would have it the next day. our only option to get him to pay was the process we are in now.
 +Stormie: can we write this off as bad debt?
 +David: you could, it might be covered by vacancy reserve?
 +Stormie: it would only be vacancy reserve if the room was vacant.
 +Beryl: any other new business?
 +no response, meeting adjourned.
meetings/2024-08-11.1723663661.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/08/14 19:27 UTC by steward