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meetings:2024-09-08 [2024/09/06 00:54 UTC] Modified from the form at meetings:2024-09-08
meetings:2024-09-08 [2024/09/15 23:47 UTC] (current)
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-====== September  8, 2024 ======+====== September 8, 2024 ======
-Present:+Present: Russ (facilitator), Paul (minutes), Dwain, Lorenzo, Kate, Cory, Ivy, Beryl, Frog, Don, Stormy, Yarrow, Bernard, Leah, Jennifer, Graham, Leo
 ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Meet and Greet =====
 +Kermit (second meeting, approved), Leta (first meeting)
 ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Review of Minutes =====
 +Minutes approved.
 ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
-~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+Catty & her friend donated Narcan & fentanyl test strips, which are in the commons on a shelf. Use them if you need to.
-<hidden onHidden="Click to open form" onVisible="Click to hide form (useful for printing)" initialState="visible" -noprint>+Bernard, kitchen manager: There’s storage bins and other updates to the kitchen.
-<form>+===== Agenda Item 1 =====
-Action pagemod _self addagenda+(Corey) Permanently ban Joshua Pineda from the La Reunion property and all La Reunion communication platforms for continued harassment and stalking.
-Thanks "Agenda Item added"+Cory: Josh wasn’t banned when he departed the co-op. I’ve thought about this ban before but recently Josh has been creeping our wiki and personally contacting members about them, asking to be unbanned because they mistakenly thought they were banned, asking to host events here. When told by our ops manager that events would probably not be possible, they started going around that communication and messaging officers, asking for their membership back, which escalated to threatening legal action and legal consequences against members here. If they send you email, feel free to forward it to the board and not respond otherwise. I think officers should set up an ‘archive and forward’ rule for their emails.
-textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/+Point of information: I’m for it.
-textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/+Point of information: I was the specific person threatened. I don’t think their threat is credible.
-static "Note$ must be escaped by preceding with a \Example: \$100"+Point of informationTheir personal attacks on people here are disturbing. We had mediation about it while they were still here, and that was not effective, and they’re still doing it.
-number "La Reunion's Street Number" <7911 >7909+POI: I responded to Josh about their request for a membership appeal, that it needs to happen within 30 days, that it has been 240 days since their membership review, and to please not contact us about it anymore.
-hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1"+Cory: I want to give officers permission to not see or think about Josh emails. The way he communicates spirals and burns people out.
-submit "Add to Agenda"+**Passes unanimously.** 
 +===== Agenda Item 2 =====
-</form>+(Leah) Discuss Leah's findings on house options for compostable waste disposal (to comply with the city ordinance starting October 1st) & decide on a service provider
-</hidden>+Leah: There’s a clause in our current trash pickup contract that if we get service with someone else we have to give them right of first refusal. If they don’t respond with a reasonable offer by Monday we’ve passed that hurdle. The replacement service is cheaper by far, $60/mo, $140 setup fee. They’re all pretty similar services. The expensive version is $105/mo and $40 setup fee, so switching would pay for itself quickly.
-~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+POI: If there’s no difference let’s go with the cheaper version.
 +POI: Cheaper.
 +CQ: How do the padlocks work?
-===== Agenda Item 1 =====+POI: I’m not sure - we’ll need to talk to them more. There are fees for non-compostable materials, so we should probably lock them.
-(Corey) Permanently ban Joshua Pineda from the La Reunion property and all La Reunion communication platforms for continued harassment and stalking.+POI: We definitely need to keep them locked. Maybe we could have a compost bin in the commons, with a labor position to take care of it.
 +CQ: Is that a new cost because of a new requirement from the city?

POI: Yes.
 +CQ: It’s a third bin next to the trash and recycling?
-===== Agenda Item 2 ===== +POI: Yeah. It’ll be smaller than those bins, but there’s a minimum required size.
- +
-(Leah) Discuss Leah'findings on house options for compostable waste disposal (to comply with the city ordinance starting October 1st) & decide on service provider+
 +CQ: Could we fill up smaller bags in the commons or courtyard before filling the larger one?

POI: Yeah. Someone needs to be in charge of what goes in it, especially when there are monetary costs to not doing so.
 +POI from labor czar: I can assign grounds labor to this.
 +**Discussion closed.**
 ===== Agenda Item 3 ===== ===== Agenda Item 3 =====
-(Leah) Proposal to allow former member in good standing Catty O'heeron & 1 companion to stay in the commons overnight on 9/8/24 if they choose, due to extenuating personal circumstances  +(Leah) Proposal to allow former member in good standing Catty O'heeron & 1 companion to stay in the commons overnight on 9/8/24 if they choose, due to extenuating personal circumstances (they have offered to perform labor in thanks such as cooking an additional meal if we would like, as well)
-(they have offered to perform labor in thanks such as cooking an additional meal if we would like, as well)+
-<pagemod addagenda output_before>+POI: They might not stay here tonight anyways. Are we OK with this though?
-===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ =====+**Agenda item approved.** 
 +===== New business =====
-(@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@+Stormie: Len & I are moving out, probably by the end of the month. I’d like to continue to be an officer and an associate, if that’s possible.
-</pagemod>+Len: I won’t be able to usefully hold onto the card when we live on Braker.
-~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+Stormie: I’ve been trying to digitize our old leases. That project will keep going with Jennifer. 
 +POI: I don’t appreciate being accused of stealing art in an email. 
 +POI: They were taken from a pile left behind by someone being evicted. 
 +POI: If you’re uncomfortable with things posted around your unit, just take it down. If it was put up without permission, it can be taken down without permission. 
 +POI: I’d rather not see holes drilled in siding without checking in with other people. I was pretty upset when I heard drilling outside my unit and then had no idea who did the art. 
 +POI: I understand why people are upset about things taken from an eviction pile. It’s not clear how long people being evicted have to take their things when they’re out on the street. The cops don’t care. I don’t feel good about such things. 
 +POI: Yeah, people had an issue with taking things from an eviction. It’s not a legal issue, it’s an ethical/emotional issue.
 +POI: I can also see why they bristled at the accusation of stealing. 
 +POI: It was communicated by the person being evicted that taking the art was fine. I think that’s important to note as well. But we should definitely clarify with members before putting up art outside their units.
-===== New business ===== 
meetings/2024-09-08.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/15 23:47 UTC by paulwuersig