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September 8, 2024


Meet and Greet

Review of Minutes

Wiki Updates & Announcements

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Note: $ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example: \$100


Agenda Item 1

(Corey) Permanently ban Joshua Pineda from the La Reunion property and all La Reunion communication platforms for continued harassment and stalking.

Agenda Item 2

(Leah) Discuss Leah's findings on house options for compostable waste disposal (to comply with the city ordinance starting October 1st) & decide on a service provider

Agenda Item 3

(Leah) Proposal to allow former member in good standing Catty O'heeron & 1 companion to stay in the commons overnight on 9/8/24 if they choose, due to extenuating personal circumstances (they have offered to perform labor in thanks such as cooking an additional meal if we would like, as well)

New business

meetings/2024-09-08.1725584071.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/06 00:54 UTC by