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September 15, 2024


Meet and Greet

Review of Minutes

Wiki Updates & Announcements

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Note: $ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example: \$100

K U H​ E Y

Agenda Item 1

(Stormie) Refund Len his half of the deposit upon move out. We paid a deposit together when we moved in but we pay rent separately and it it would just be fair to Len for him to forfeit his deposit while I’m making my payment plan.

Agenda Item 2

(Stormie) Vote on new by-law amendment

Proposed extension to Article IV, Section 3 of CHEA Bylaws: “Member Directors shall be elected in accordance with their respective house election processes. Non-Member Directors and all other positions elected directly by the general membership of CHEA shall be elected by simple majority ranked choice, with ballots distributed by each house's officers to its voting members in good standing in accordance with their house ballot distribution process.

“Ranked choice voting” shall entail: Ballots shall be distributed by which voting members in good standing shall rank nominees from most to least preferred (including an option for No Confidence), and if when first-ranked votes are totaled no nominee has won by a simple majority, the nominee who received the lowest vote total shall be eliminated and ballots cast for them counted for each voting member's next choice on their ballot, repeating this process of elimination and recounting one nominee at a time until a single nominee receives a simple majority of the vote & is elected.”

New business

meetings/2024-09-15.1726188049.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/13 00:40 UTC by stormiedaze