Present: Paul (minutes), Beryl (facilitator), Bella, Frog, Yarrow, Jennifer, Bernard, Reyna, Corey, Kate, Joy, Graham, Leah
No one for meet & greet.
Minutes approved.
Wiki maintainer changes:
Edited content page to current officer descriptions.
Added events and kitchen coordinator to the contact page.
Edited officer description formatting and syntax.
Added kitchen manager to officer descriptions.
Wiki updates approved.
Joy: There was a labor meeting today. I’m going to update the labor descriptions.
Labor Holiday January 25th!
I’ve got the power washer reserved for the Labor Day.
Jarod & Leo have their deposits back.
We still need work painting and spackling #109 this week before Tif can move back in.
(corey) Ban Phillip McCain from the property.
corey: What do I need to say? There are many reasons. His former roommate wants it, and numerous other members as well.
Agenda item passes.
(Nynke) Remove Bitcoin donation link from La Re Wiki
corey: A few people paid rent in Bitcoin long ago. We still have access to that account, and it’s empty - we’re not secretly rich. We can get rid of it without problem.
Clarifying question: Will you delete the account? corey: No, it’s got historical information in it, but we don’t accept any payments with it.
Agenda item passes.
Yarrow: I beseech people to put their name down for board representative.
Beryl: Nominations for NP board representative are up too! Please sign up.
Frog: Multiple people have complained about not receiving a gift receiver in the gift giving, so I am taking over for that and can pair people up. If this applies to you, talk to me.
Finance meeting here at La Re, 7 pm on Thursday.
Paul: Bikes Across Borders builds bike panniers every year before our migration. They’re big kitty-litter bucket saddlebags. The ride’s in March, so we’d love to run a pannier building workshop in February. Any objections to having it in the courtyard here? Might be some orange plastic shavings but we’ll sweep up. Will probably have some beer and food but it’ll be a low-key event. People are welcome to make their own along with us.
<There are no objections.>