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September 22, 2024

Present: Kate (facilitator), Tif, Beryl, Ivy, Dwain, Cory, Russ, Paul (minutes), Graham, Philip, Leah

Meet and Greet

Joy (second meeting, approved), April (second meeting, approved), Jeff (second meeting, approved), Reina (second meeting, approved)

Review of Minutes

Minutes approved.

Wiki Updates & Announcements

Cory: Our liquid cash has been very low, but we’ve temporarily recovered. We will not be paying NP in full next month. That’s been an ongoing discussion with them. We have a backlog of reimbursements to work through with them.

New business

I have the police report number for last night’s incident if anyone needs it for insurance purposes.

Dwain will be having Tracey as a guest for two weeks.

meetings/2024-09-22.1727052169.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/23 00:42 UTC by paulwuersig