Present: Paul (minutes), Beryl, Graham, Jennifer, Corey, Joy, Leah, Gardenia
No one for meet & greet.
Minutes approved.
Beryl, steward: Nominations have ended. For the new term:
Reyna is Membership Coordinator.
Kate is Treasurer
Jill is Grounds Coordinator.
Logan is Maintenance Coordinator.
Bernard is Kitchen Manager.
Joy is Labor Czar.
Beryl is Steward.
Quinn is Food Buyer.
Tif is Bookkeeper.
Clarifying question: Isn’t Yarrow’s term as board representative ended?
Point of information: No nominations for that yet. The bylaws say she can continue to be treasurer until the board position is filled.
Leah, board representative: The board meeting minutes show that we extended Philip’s notice to vacate as part of a negotiation with his caseworker.
CQ: Has that new notice to vacate been given?
POI: Yes.
Cory: Finance meeting at Sasona on Thursday at 6:30 pm.
Joy, labor: Do the labor survey!
POI: It’s still gross in here. People haven’t been cleaning.
CQ: Do we have working cameras? POI: They need to be finished putting up. They’re good cameras. People keep messing with the wiring, so some of the wiring needs repair.
CQ: Some members have cameras.
POI: If people use the cameras for nefarious purposes that would probably fall under our harassment policy in some way.
POI: If we had good coverage in the courtyard we could ask members not to record except in spaces exclusively leased by them.
CQ: Labor holiday? We got a lot of cleaning and maintenance that needs doing.
Joy, labor: We said January last time we talked about it.