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meetings:2024-12-15 [2024/11/27 20:07 UTC]
steward Created from the form at meetings
meetings:2024-12-15 [2024/12/16 01:37 UTC] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== December 15, 2024 ====== ====== December 15, 2024 ======
-Present:+Present: Paul (minutes), Beryl, Graham, Jennifer, Corey, Joy, Leah, Gardenia
 ===== Meet and Greet ===== ===== Meet and Greet =====
 +No one for meet & greet.
 ===== Review of Minutes ===== ===== Review of Minutes =====
 +Minutes approved.
 ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements ===== ===== Wiki Updates & Announcements =====
-~~ FORM START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+Beryl, steward: Nominations have ended. For the new term:
-<hidden onHidden="Click to open form" onVisible="Click to hide form (useful for printing)" initialState="visible" -noprint>+Reyna is Membership Coordinator.\\ 
 +Kate is Treasurer\\ 
 +Jill is Grounds Coordinator.\\ 
 +Logan is Maintenance Coordinator.\\ 
 +Bernard is Kitchen Manager.\\ 
 +Joy is Labor Czar.\\ 
 +Beryl is Steward.\\ 
 +Quinn is Food Buyer.\\ 
 +Tif is Bookkeeper.
-<form>+Clarifying question: Isn’t Yarrow’s term as board representative ended?
-Action pagemod _self addagenda+Point of information: No nominations for that yet. The bylaws say she can continue to be treasurer until the board position is filled.
-Thanks "Agenda Item added"+Leah, board representative: The board meeting minutes show that we extended Philip’s notice to vacate as part of a negotiation with his caseworker.
-textbox "Proposer" /^[^<>]+$/+CQ: Has that new notice to vacate been given?
-textarea "Proposal Text" /^[^<>]+$/+POI: Yes.
-static "Note$ must be escaped by preceding with a \. Example\$100"+CoryFinance meeting at Sasona on Thursday at 6:30 pm.
-number "La Reunion's Street Number" <7911 >7909+Joy, labor: Do the labor survey!
-hiddenautoinc "itemnumber" "=1"+===== New business =====
-submit "Add to Agenda"+POI: It’s still gross in here. People haven’t been cleaning.
-</form>+CQ: Do we have working cameras?

POI: They need to be finished putting up. They’re good cameras. People keep messing with the wiring, so some of the wiring needs repair.
-</hidden>+CQ: Some members have cameras.
-~~ FORM END DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ~~+POI: If people use the cameras for nefarious purposes that would probably fall under our harassment policy in some way.
-~~ AGENDA ITEM TEMPLATE START DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ~~+POI: If we had good coverage in the courtyard we could ask members not to record except in spaces exclusively leased by them.
-<pagemod addagenda output_before>+
-===== Agenda Item @@itemnumber@@ =====+CQ: Labor holiday? We got a lot of cleaning and maintenance that needs doing.
-(@@Proposer@@) @@Proposal Text@@+Joy, labor: We said January last time we talked about it.
-===== New business ===== 
meetings/2024-12-15.1732738057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/27 20:07 UTC by steward