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June 25, 2023

Present: Graham(minutes), Bumblebee(new person), Bernard, Cathrine, Philip, Jennifer, Leah, Chinhae, Cayla, Quinn, Will, Stormie, Len, Carol(new person), Logan, Nynka, Paul, Kate

Meet and Greet

Bumblebee - 1st meeting
Carol - 1st meeting

Review of Minutes

Minutes from June 18th pass

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Agenda Item 1

(Quinn) Discuss Will Widener being on property: Will Widener, a banned person from the property, has been on property this week. We should discuss legal recourse to protect our community. It may be also relevant to note that he has been going through lengths to try to contact me lately despite me being no-contact with him, hence part of my concern.

Agenda Item 2

(Logan) Member review for Christopher: Back in late April/early May, Christopher had a mediated meeting address his issues with respecting boundaries in regards to other members. These things include: -Making transgender people uncomfortable -Insisting on interacting with people that have expressed discomfort with him and hovering around them. -Touching people inappropriately without consent -making judgmental and unwanted comments towards others about their lives, lifestyles, and bodies. -Guilted Roommates into disposing of their possessions.

Since being confronted about this, this behavior has returned and in some cases gotten worse. There are also past words, jokes and actions that members would like to speak about at the meeting.

New business

meetings/2023-06-25.1687831461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/27 02:04 UTC by grahamw