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June 9, 2024

Present: Graham(minutes), Beryll, Gardenia, Dwayne, Philip, Leah, Bernard, Richard, Kate, Cory, Stormie, Len, Tiff,

Meet and Greet


Review of Minutes

Minutes from June 2nd pass

Wiki Updates & Announcements

Stormie - NP request that we submit our full rent without vacancies and maintenance reserve attached. They are in need of money while selling peach house.

Leah - I added the accommodation request form on the wiki

Kate - Stairs have gotten one bid, getting a another. Will be scheduling someone. We will get at least one staircase fixed depending on money

Russ - keen is now in good standing. Logan and Nynka have paid everything back plus some, so they will be coming back soon

Cory - board budget meeting is this Thursday at Sasona and online. We should get the budget passed quickly because the longer we wait the more rent will go up. I’ve worked on a spreadsheet that will help treasurer do the budget. After we get the board budget we can get our budget figured out.

Bernard - I've contacted Russ and my roommate is moving so I will be staying here and taking over the whole unit. I will be gone for a week in July for vacation.

Richard - food for this meeting got canceled, I am ordering more

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New business

Cory - we owe NP 13,000ish on back due rent. Part is carried over from last year, we also under budgeted what we pay to NP. Because we were under maintenance reset, David has had more hours than we budgeted for, David did $27,000ish worth of labor. NP covered 14,000ish. This means David did more than 25 hours per week, this made us over budget on payroll taxes. This is the major stuff. We owe NP, the lease went up, and we need to figure out what we will budget for David. Key Figures was a big expense, we need to decide if we should keep them doing monthly reconciliation, or just the taxes.

Stormie - I’ve heard NP may wipe some money

Cory - There is 5k in maintenance expenses that may not have had a receipt or not have been submitted for reimbursement. We may get that paid back eventually

Stormie - If we didn’t ask for a reimbursement on some maintenance could we reduce the 13k that we owe

Cory - no, that would be the same as a reimbursement. NP considered not reimbursing anything until we pay that back. David was worried that would upset some CHEA people.

Cory - We owe NP 13k. They have 57k of maintenance for us to get reimbursed. We can’t take some of the maintenance money and apply it to the rent, those are separate.

Bernard - how did we not pay the whole thing

Cory - I think two months of payments that we needed to make got left off the budget.

Cory - we have three options for David’s hours - 10, 15, and 25 hour. We can also decide if Key Figures should do monthly reconciliations, or just the taxes. If Key Figures didn’t do our monthly reconciliation, Cory will work with David to do monthly reconciliation. Right now I can’t do reconciliations because Key Figures doesn’t allow anyone else to do that.

Stormie - so this affects our budget so we can hopefully save money by doing some of our own accounting.

Cory - budget 1 keeps the status quo and adds ~29 to rent. Option 2 and option 3 add some more to rent. Option 4 adds around 15.63 per room. Budget 5 its 31.15, budget 6 adds ~38 per room.

Stormie - what does David do now

Cory - he did 25 hours per week this last year, all budgets have a reduction to that

Stormie - will David do any hours beyond what's budgeted? Does the board have an idea of what will be approved?

Cory - I'm not sure

Stormie - any update on Ally maybe doin the monthly reconciliation

Cory - not yet. That would be a cheaper alternative to Key Figures. I think that CHEA should work towards having a longer term position.

Kate - volunteer labor can be inconsistent

Bernard - why is there a jump every year

Cory - our costs keep rising. Taxes go up, our rent goes up, we have a staff person now, rent will probably got up 10ish percent per year.

Cory - I don't expect everyone to have a solid opinion on all budgets. The lowest option would be swapping Key Figures duties over to David. It would be nice if ops manager was a long term position. We will need to continue looking at the budget yearly.

Stormy - our rent will be going up, but we are spending the smallest amount possible, we have great room sizes compared to Sasona, so we are the cheapest, and also you get good space here.

Bernard - what happened with the Lloyd Doggett conversation?

Graham - I was on the phone with his staffer, the conversion seemed productive, we talked about a lot of stuff. we talked for 30ish minutes, stuff may still be ongoing. Government stuff takes forever anyways so there may be stuff happening at some point.

Bernard - have we talked to HEB about getting food donation?

(General discussion about donated food happens for about 5 minutes)

Cory - NP pays 52k in property taxed this year alone, we are talking about paying David 1/5th of that. If we could get a small reduction in property taxes that would be huge.

Beryll - If a grant writer moved in that would be nice.

Cory - I will highlight important info on the budget and leave that on the commons door

meetings/2024-06-08.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 18:40 UTC by grahamw