This is an old revision of the document!
Present: Stormy, Len, Tif, Russ, Dwain, Lorenzo, Philip, Gardenia, Beryl (facilitator), Don, Bernard, Paul (minutes), Leah, Graham, Frog, Cory
Grey (first meeting) & Christopher (first meeting)
Minutes approved.
Leah: Compost service will be starting soon. We should get some labor for that. We should get a can in the commons and keep it supplied with bags.
(Steward) Officer reports
Stormie, labor: We’ve moved out, but I have signed an associate contract to continue being labor czar.
Frog, maintenance: Bees are being taken care of on Thursday. He’s going to remove the bees and repair the roof for less than $1000.
Len, outgoing treasurer: I’m tying up some loose ends with the treasurer email, and no longer have access to the treasurer box - that’s Kate & Cory now. We’re still recovering our balances, but it’ll happen quickly with reimbursements and incoming rent.
Beryl, steward: MemCo & Treasurer nominations are ongoing. Sign up!
Beryl, MemCo hat: April & Jeff are still looking for a place, hopefully the first floor. Other move-ins are ongoing. Someone else has signed an associate contract and put in a deposit - I need to talk to them about the process.
Bernard, kitchen manager: I know some of the DCU sign-offs are fraudulent. I’ve communicated that info with the labor czar. I’ve got photo evidence.
Stormie, labor czar: Reports haven’t gone out for a few weeks - I’ve been busy with medical issues and the move. I’ll be updating the no-show list - there’ll be some automatic labor member reviews. I’ve printed out multiple copies of the labor descriptions - you should be able to find one in the commons. Updates to the labor chart are coming soon Please don’t get your partner to sign off on your labor unless you physically can’t make it to sign off. Remember you can build up to 16 hours of surplus hours by doing flex labor. Feel free to email me with questions. Trying to figure out how to split the weeks for labor reporting.
Tif, bookkeeper: Most people are up to date. Some people haven’t updated their auto-pay amounts on apartments dot com. Do that! Russ helped me get the physical checks in this month, and it worked.
Philip, grounds: Grounds are looking good. I took a few weeks off but I’m back on track.
Leah, board rep: Not much to report. We didn’t have a second board meeting this month. It helps keep David’s costs down as well. We’re keeping things going while NASCO figures their life out. Sasona is in process to agree to the election bylaw changes, but there’s more communication necessary that I haven’t done yet.
Leah: The Co-opportunity Fair is coming up in a few weeks.
Stormie, NP board rep: NP reassured me that no co-ops are in imminent financial danger. The properties being sold have not been sold yet, but there are offers being fielded, some of which have been rejected as too low to fulfill the budget. They are looking into other funding sources - grants and fundraisers.
Point of information: Events isn’t here to do their report. Their entire labor seems to be being done by someone else, including an email report, so I think we might need to have a conversation about that.
Lyssa through Leah, food buyer: There was a pause during the financial freeze, but she’s made an order since then.
Cory, finance liaison to the board: We should have a discussion about who should be on the bank accounts. Officially it should just be the treasurer, but there are benefits and downsides to maintenance, the food buyer etc. being connected to the bank. There was a brief financial freeze, which was scary. Maggie has told us to pay what we can next month but it’s rough for them right now as well.
(Steward) Dwain has a pesticide that will remove fleas, ticks and other pests from the perimeter of the coop, we should discuss whether we want to use it/how we would use it
Point of information: I know we use ChemFree and stuff, but we may need harsher chemicals for the fleas in the backlot.
Clarifying question: Fleas in the backlot?
POI: Numerous people and pets have gotten fleas within minutes of contact with the backlot.
CQ: What is the chemical name of the pesticide?
POI: Bug-gone? A white self-contained bottle, with a water hose attachment? Might be 12 months of coverage rather than 3 months.
POI: Do we need a house vote on this? It’s a maintenance decision. But we should do due diligence and post notice to everyone, since their pets should avoid the area after the spraying.
Discussion closed.
Tif: I’m volunteering with Doug Greco. Would we be down for having a party with him and his staffers here?
POI: It could invite us being a public venue and other weird consequences. The co-op isn’t supposed to support individual candidates. They can have a party in individual units, but not in the commons, and I’m hesitant about the courtyard.